Consciousness & Reality

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Consciousness & Reality


  • Neppe: Levels of Consciousness
  • Close: Transcendental Consciousness
  • About the show

    Neuropsychiatrist Dr. Vernon Neppe and physicist Dr. Edward Close discussed their work integrating science, mathematics, and philosophy with consciousness studies to arrive at their new paradigm shifting model-- "Reality Begins with Consciousness." Neppe (who appeared in the 2nd & 4th hours) pointed out how every 'Theory of Everything,' such as put forth by Einstein and Hawking, has had major failings because they haven't factored in consciousness into the equation. He described three levels of consciousness-- neurological, psychological, and a kind of meta-consciousness which pulls in information from all sources, and "technically would not require a brain...and implies infinity."

    Meta-consciousness suggests that life-after-death is a reality, as consciousness can exist outside the brain, Neppe noted. "In our model, we cogently argue that time is not just one linear dimension that goes past, present, future, but that there are several different dimensions of time," and all of existence could be said to exist at the same time because "we have an extended amount of time that always is, was, and will exist," he continued. Dr. Close (appearing in the third hour) commented that scientific views have been limited for many years, and required a more expansive paradigm or framework.

    Using mathematics, Close developed his theory of "dimensional extrapolation," which suggests the existence of additional dimensions-- at least 10, which coincides with what has been said in string theory. There are three dimensions of time, three of space, and three of consciousness, and a 10th dimension that is "transfinite," he detailed. Humans inhabit all of these dimensions, "however there are also other forms of consciousness that inhabit some of the dimensions" that may or may not impinge on what we experience through our physical senses, he explained. "The universe itself is conscious and intelligent and has an innate order to it," Neppe added.

    Middle East Update

    First hour guest, author Jerome Corsi pondered whether Israel is getting ready to attack Iran. There's been increased rhetoric that Netanyahu is preparing a strike, and that Great Britain has offered to participate with the Israeli effort, he said. There's also a possibility of a NATO-led attack against Syria, he reported, adding that "it's a tinderbox right now. Any action...could launch a major regional war with Israel at the center of it."

    News segment guests: Mitch Battros, Andy Gause

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