Gobekli Tepe & Baltic Sea Mysteries

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Gobekli Tepe & Baltic Sea Mysteries

About the show

Over three segments, investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed the mysterious Gobekli Tepe site in Turkey, where she recently conducted field research along with Prof. of Geology, Robert M. Schoch. The excavated site, which has been carbon dated 12,000 years old, contains 30 acres of pillar circles, with around 250 pillars, each weighing 7-10 tons, she detailed. Oddly, the entire site seems to have been intentionally buried about 1,000 years after it was built, and only 5% of the pillars have been uncovered since 1994. The amount of effort to bury the site dwarfs the massive endeavor to originally build it, Schoch commented in a taped interview with Linda. He conjectured that the site's burial may have been associated with coming Ice Age climate shifts or solar outbursts.

Describing the site as looking like "an alien creation," Linda pondered whether it might have functioned as a kind of giant machine or tuning fork. She also described some of the bizarre carved creatures on the pillars, as well as eerie totem (see below). One sculpture retrieved from the site labeled "Urfa Man" has haunting black eyes depicted by crystals of obsidian, a sunken chin with no mouth whatsoever, and bears resemblance to some of the Moai heads in Easter Island, thousands of miles away. Interestingly, Schoch noted that the oldest part of the Sphinx may date to a time concurrent with the Gobekli site. For more, see the full Earthfiles reports.

Linda also updated the Baltic Sea mystery about a strange 180-foot-diameter circular structure discovered by Peter Lindstrom's company devoted to searching for sunken shipwrecks. Lindstrom told her that new sonar and photographic evidence, as well as firsthand divers' reports indicate there is a ring of stones on top of the large circular structure, which itself rests on a central pillar. The divers were amazed at how many straight lines, and boxed-shaped features they saw on the object, and Lindstrom said it looked like a type of concrete structure such as a bridge foundation, which suggests it's artificial or man-made. His team plans a return visit in July. More here.

Channeled Contacts

First hour guest, author Wynn Free, talked about channeled information that has come from sources who identify themselves as the "Council of Elohim." Toward the beginning of the contacts in 2002, he became convinced that the sources were feeding him accurate information when they correctly predicted a chemical spill in Arkansas (the spill was actually in the Arkansas River). One of the themes the sources have conveyed is that the intent and consciousness of humanity can shift the course of future events on Earth, he said.

News segment guests: Mitch Battros, John M. Curtis


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In tandem with her reports on the 6/28/12 show, Linda Moulton Howe shares this photo of a stone totem excavated at Gobekli Tepe "of a non-human creature evolving into birth of human-like infant." Photographed at Urfa Museum in Liurfa, Turkey.

Click on image to view larger.

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