Urantia Revelations

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Urantia Revelations

About the show

Noted author, editor and publisher, Byron Belitsos, discussed revelations from the celestial authors of the mysterious Urantia Book, including newer material transmitted by channels such as Jerry Lane. The original Urantia Book is infused with divine truths like the Bible or the Koran, and contains four sections-- one is about God, theology and the angelic hierarchy, the second is about our local universe with about 4 million inhabited planets, the third covers the history of humanity and Earth, and the last section is about the life and teachings of Jesus, Belitsos detailed.

According to the book, Earth (or Urantia which is their name for our planet) has a unique history, in which a "Lucifer Rebellion" took place 200,000 years ago, with a large number of angels going over to the dark side. Among the tenets in the book is that a divine spark dwells within each person, and our soul is created through our free will decisions, and grows and evolves, Belitsos shared. The 11:11 time prompt (people frequently seeing this number on a clock) is connected to a group of 1,111 angels who did not go over to the dark side in the Lucifer Rebellion, he said. These "midwayer angels" dwell on our planet, and when digital clocks began, they started to use the prompt to remind people of their presence, Belitsos explained.

During the third hour, Jerry Lane spoke about his ability to transmit and receive supplemental material from the "two creator beings" named in the Urantia Book-- "Christ Michael" and "Mother Spirit." They view humans as unique beings who co-create their own reality while growing a soul, Lane said. Part of his supplemental transmission included indications that a planetary collapse is coming as an outgrowth of the Lucifer Rebellion, but this is a necessary reboot of the planet. Halbert Katzen, who works to verify the history and science of the Urantia Book, also phoned in during the third hour, to discuss his research into the Urantia accounts of Adam & Eve, and the Garden of Eden.

UN Arms Treaty

First hour guest, research scientist John Lott expressed concern over a proposed UN 'Arms Trade Treaty' which would impose increased regulation on individual gun ownership. One provision would allow arms transfers to only UN member nations. Taiwan is not a UN member, and China put that in so the US could not sell arms to them, he observed. A stated goal of the Treaty is to stop terrorist groups or armed insurrections but these groups tend to get their weapons from governments rather than individuals, he commented.

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The legendary "Urantia Book," a 2000-page tome first published in 1955, is considered by some to be an unparalleled revelation to our planet on the subjects of science, religion, and the history & destiny of humanity. The material, said to come from celestial beings, can be read online at the Urantia Foundation. Also, check out a brief video message on the book from 7/11/12 guest, Byron Belitsos.

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