Nibiru & Ancient Cycles

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Nibiru & Ancient Cycles

About the show

Archaeo-astronomer and director of the Binary Research Institute, Walter Cruttenden, and researcher in ancient advanced technologies Jason Martell, discussed theories of Nibiru (Planet X), contacts with the Annunaki, as well as how humankind has been affected by the Cycle of the Ages. Zecharia Sitchin interpreted ancient Sumerian texts, and suggested that the word Nibiru referred to a planet on an elliptical orbit in our solar system that comes toward Earth every 3,600 years. Martell, who believes Sitchin's theory that Nibiru is an inhabited planet, noted that astronomers have found pertubations in the outer solar system which point to a large unidentified body as being the cause.

On the other hand, Cruttenden noted that Nibiru translates as "bright object" and he indicated the Sumerians may have actually been talking about the star Sirius. Further, he suggested that rather than a Planet X causing pertubations, such findings could be due to our solar system slowly orbiting around a second or binary star, and that if Planet X was on a 3,600-year orbit, it probably would have already been detected. Evidence that the Annunaki may have visited Earth from their planet Nibiru and shared some of their knowledge and technology is suggested by the construction of remarkable ancient megalithic structures, said Martell, adding that places like the ancient Egyptian temple at Dendera depict the use of electric lights.

Martell compared the Annunaki to the biblical descriptions of angelic beings, and also pointed out that ancient South Americans' depicted their gods as tall and pale-skinned, even though the indigenous people had dark hair and skin. Cruttenden cited how groups such as the ancient Greeks and Indians believed that humankind goes through different ages or cycles (Age of Man, the Age of the Hero, the Age of the Demi-Gods, Age of the Gods) and displays different characteristics during them. Some of the things that we attribute to aliens might be us in one of the higher cycles, he commented. "Maybe we're much more than we perceive ourselves to be and we just can't see it when we're just barely out of the dark ages," Cruttenden continued. Both he and Martell will be be featured at the upcoming CPAK Conference in early October.

White Light Healing

First hour guest, spiritual response practitioner Sarah Nash talked about the White Light Express healing endeavor. She explained that the project began with a small group of people from different religious backgrounds who decided to set aside belief systems and work with "focused intention for transformation and healing at every level." Nash said that she and the co-founder of the White Light Express, Avis Latone, were confidant in the power of prayer, and gathered together an online community concentrating on white light, and have achieved some phenomenal results, such as when they prayed for a man with a brain tumor, and he went into remission.

News segment guests: Michael Cremo, Gerald Celente

Bumper Music

Last Night

Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Cryptozoologist D.A. Roberts recounted his terrifying experience on a remote Missouri island where his team found evidence of a large creature. Followed by podcaster Joel Waldman who discussed Jack the Ripper and the suspicious death of Open AI whistleblower Suchir Balaji.


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