Ghosts & Psychics

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Ghosts & Psychics

About the show

Appearing in the second hour, psychic reader and Reiki practitioner, Lisa Barretta, discussed whether consciousness lives on after the death of the physical body, as well as her psychic abilities, and investigations. Her son, B.J. Baretta, created the documentary, Surviving Death: A Paranormal Debate (view excerpt), which explores what happens to consciousness after death. "Upon physical death, I personally believe that...the energetic part of our body is just not going to dissipate and blow away; this energy...that has been charged with a lot of different emotions is going to go into another state," she said.

In certain types of hauntings, strong emotional energy acts like a kind of "invisible umbilical cord" tied to memory, and may trigger a spirit's revisiting of certain places, she suggested. Regarding what is called demonic energy, a lot of it has to do with how we open ourselves up, and perhaps inadvertently attract lower vibrating energy, she explained, adding that Ouija Boards are particularly dangerous in that respect. Baretta also spoke about how she incorporates astrology and Tarot into her psychic readings.

Parapsychologist and paranormal investigator, Loyd Auerbach, appeared during the third hour. He offered a critique of the current batch of ghosthunting TV shows, which are typically set up by producers that have no background in parapsychological methods and testing. Unfortunately, many amateur ghost hunters are mimicking faulty techniques they see on TV, he noted. He mentioned he is working on a project to highlight the research of a little known 20th Century psychical researcher named Nandor Fodor, who was one of the first to understand that poltergeist phenomena arises out of a living person. Auerbach is also running an e-group on 'being more psychic' through. A.R.E. In the last hour, Baretta returned to take calls from listeners along with Auerbach.

Alex Jones Commentary

First hour guest, filmmaker and political researcher Alex Jones offered commentary on news related to the presidential campaigns and other current events. On his site, he reported that Twitter was flooded with posts saying that people were going to riot if Obama lost the election, yet he noted that this story was ignored by mainstream media. He also talked about how millions of Americans have been placed on terrorist 'no-fly' lists for no real reason, "just to create the illusion of some threat."

News segment guests: Jeff Nelken, Mitch Battros

Bumper Music

Last Night

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