UFO Disclosure / Remote Viewing

Hosted byGeorge Noory

UFO Disclosure / Remote Viewing

About the show

In the first half, authors Steven Greer and Paola Harris discussed the Atacama humanoid as well as UFO disclosure. Greer, who has recently published a paper on the latest scientific findings related to the humanoid, said that the specimen is an actual organism and not a hoax. According to him, the world's foremost skeletal expert has determined that, despite its diminutive size, the entity was actually six to eight years old when it died. Stanford University professor Dr. Garry Nolan joined the conversation in the latter half of the first hour to share his thoughts on the Atacama humanoid. While he acknowledged that it is "very, very, very likely to be human," Nolan conceded that the findings so far have presented unique paradoxes which prevent making that determination with any certainty.

Regarding UFO disclosure, Harris recalled working with Greer in 1999 to document the testimony of Italian military witnesses and marveled at his meticulous nature in collecting these statements. She declared that disclosure is a grassroots process which is happening "from the bottom up, not from the top down." To that end, Greer explained that his work was borne out of that concept, since the government has steadfastly refused to release the 'truth' concerning UFOs or had been kept in the dark by those who do possess that information. As such, his new film, Sirius, aims to increase awareness about the UFO coverup amongst those previously unaware. Beyond that, Greer expressed hope that the film can lead to a breakthrough in research of alternative energy systems that "we know and can prove exist."


In the latter half of the program, remote viewing teacher, Ed Dames, talked about his predictions that North Korea would use a nuclear weapon in anger and how a global economic collapse would happen concurrently with a pandemic in the not too distant future. Dames claimed that his team has uncovered the "real plan" at work by the North Korean government. According to him, they have developed small nuclear devices which will be transported via submarine to be placed off the coast of US territories. Should the United States attack North Korea, he said, then these secretly placed nukes will be detonated in retaliation.

Despite this looming danger, Dames put forward that he is "far more concerned" with a global pandemic breaking out, concomitant with a worldwide economic collapse, and leading to a devastating solar flare hitting the planet. To that end, he lamented that the recent emergence of the H7N9 bird flu in China "really fits as a candidate" for the pandemic. Additionally, he expressed concern that the ISON comet may be the factor which initiates the "solar kill shot," which he has warned about for years. "All of these things are fitting like pieces of a puzzle," he observed. Since the comet is due to pass by the sun in November, Dames surmised that late 2013 or early 2014 is when these predicted events may unfold. "Even Dr. Doom is beginning to get scared now," he mused, "and when Dr. Doom gets scared, that should be a red flag to a lot of people."

News segment guests: Jerome Corsi & Mitch Battros



Related Articles:

Guest on the 4/23/13 show, Dr. Steven Greer, has released his report on a tiny, mummified humanoid that was found in the Chilean desert region of Atacama. According to the paper, CAT scans and x-rays of the specimen, as well as preliminary DNA testing, reveal that the entity possessed a number of qualities which suggest that it was probably not a human infant and may have had interstellar origins. You can read the complete report here (pdf file).

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