ADHD & Supplements / Shadow People

Hosted byGeorge Noory

ADHD & Supplements / Shadow People

About the show

In the first half, expert in the fields of communication and relationships, John Gray PhD., talked about the rise in ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) in both children and adults. Gray said that he, himself, had a form of ADHD, with a kind of hyper-focus that eventually caused him to have an early onset of Parkinson's disease. Related to ADHD, one of the biggest problems in marriages is that men become hyper-focused on their work, and less interested in their relationship, and women become hyper-focused on everyone else's needs, and have a deficiency of focus on their own needs, he explained. Gray said that he cured his ADHD by taking the supplement NAC (N-acetyl-cysteine) in the form of undenatured whey protein, which helps to produce more glutathione in the brain.

Minerals are what protect the brain from free radical damage, and he cited lithium orotate as being particularly effective, as well as 2AEP Membrane Complex, a mineral compound which assists in blood sugar balance. He recommended Serrapeptase, an enzyme made from silkworms that treats the cause of inflammations, and is a viable alternative to pain medications. Grey also mentioned the herb berberine, an extract of golden seal, which he said has proven to be as effective as the drug Metformin in treating diabetes, but without the side effects.


In the latter half, lecturer and author Heidi Hollis talked about Shadow People and the Hat Man phenomenon. Many people are dealing with outright attacks from these negative entities and have no one to turn to, she remarked. The beings could originate in another dimension, yet they seem quite familiar with our plane of existence, she noted. They are not the shadows of ghosts-- in fact, they are nothing like that, Hollis said, adding that "they know exactly what they are doing, why they are here, and what their goal is." Many who've had encounters with them feel that their life and soul is in jeopardy, she continued.

To get rid of these beings, "put your ethereal foot down," and access your faith in order to stand your ground, she suggested. It's also helpful to turn on a light, as they seem to prefer manifesting in darkness, and will sometimes dissipate right in front of you, she detailed. The sinister Hat Man, Hollis originally thought was a type of Shadow Person, but has now concluded they're a different kind of being altogether, and have a more solid appearance. She also described her haunting encounter with a huge spider shadow that took up the whole ceiling, and a secret war taking place between aliens and Shadow entities.

News segment guests: Jeffrey M. Smith, Steve Kates 'Dr. Sky'

Bumper Music

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