The Singularity Archetype

Hosted byGeorge Noory

The Singularity Archetype

About the show

Paranormal researcher and philosopher Jonathan Zap discussed the Singularity Archetype and its connections to UFOs, near death experiences (NDEs), and psychopathology. Defining the Singularity Archetype as a primordial image of an evolutionary crossing or event horizon, it's the metamorphosis of humanity that exists now as a potential in the collective unconscious, he explained.

The transformations that the Singularity Archetype predicts for the species are seen across various circumstances such as alien abduction, out-of-body experiences, NDEs, and the taking of some psychotropic drugs, he detailed. With NDEs, for instance, people report telepathic communications, and the transformation of their ego, which has a lasting effect on their life after the experience, he said.

These transformations are moving us to a "homo gestalt," a new version of the human species that incorporates rich visual telepathic exchanges, and a more conscious awareness of other people without surrendering our individuality, Zap continued. He also spoke about how people with psychopathic traits disrupt the equilibrium of society, and at times can serve a positive function to awaken and stimulate the metamorphosis of humanity. For more, see Zap's recent essay for Reality Sandwich, Avatar and the Singularity Archetype.

Bilderberg Meeting in Denmark

First hour guest, journalist and author Daniel Estulin offered commentary on the 2014 Bilderberg conference just getting underway in Denmark. Members of the group represent the global financial oligarchy-- "it's a group of very powerful individuals who get together once a year for three to four days to decide on the policies which when implemented will affect the world body politic for the next 12-14 months," he outlined. One of the key issues they're dealing with is the world economy. They're building up the derivatives bubble to yield a new financial collapse, bigger than 2008, he suggested, with the ultimate goal of destroying various nations and governments to make way for "one world company limited corporations which will effectively control governments on their behalf."

News segment guests: Jeff Nelken, Howard Bloom


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This year's Bilderberg conference, which starts on Thursday, is being held in Copenhagen, Denmark. The notoriously secret gathering has made a move towards more transparency this year publishing a list of the guests and topics. More here.

Pictured (click to enlarge): A protest banner draped across a barrier in a field close to the venue at the 2013 Bilderberg Meeting in the UK.

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