Science & the Future / Ebola & Biowarfare

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Science & the Future / Ebola & Biowarfare

About the show

In the first half, theoretical physicist, author, and popularizer of science, Dr. Michio Kaku, discussed cutting edge research into the mind, as well as news in cosmology and physics. We're entering a "golden age of cosmology" with exciting questions about the nature of the universe on the brink of being solved, he remarked. And with the discovery of some 2,000 exoplanets orbiting other stars, we can do an unprecedented census of our own "backyard" in the Milky Way galaxy, he noted. In physics, looking beyond the Higgs Boson particle, we hope to find "sparticles," high-vibrating super-particles that could be related to the Big Bang, he continued.

In the frontiers of mind science, we have the development of the Connectome project, by which we can map all neural pathways of the mind, and bring back memories, sensations, and emotions. And so in the not-so-distant future, "we'll have two discs, one that is the genome by which we can bring back our body, and the other is the Connectome, by which we'll be able to bring back our mind. And you put it together, and what you get is immortality," he declared. Kaku also spoke about how a downloaded mind, instead of living in a computer, could control a robot body as its surrogate, and how this would be especially ideal for space exploration.


In the latter half, author and researcher Steve Quayle talked about the Ebola outbreak, biowarfare, genetic experimentation, and related topics. The US govt. actually patented a number of deadly Ebola strains, and Quayle believes the disease may have been biologically manipulated so that it could become airborne. A person can be a carrier of Ebola for up to two weeks before showing symptoms, and this is an indicator "that this is a biowarfare weapons agent that has been released on purpose. I don't think it's the final release, but a 'test and tweak' release," to see how different populations and gene groups respond, he asserted. Quayle related the mysterious deaths of microbiologists as part of a plan to hide the tracks of those connected to the biowarfare research.

In the bioweapons development arena, "you never generate a pathogen, without concurrently generating a vaccine," and accordingly, it's been announced that a vaccine for Ebola is ready for testing, Quayle stated. The goal of the Illuminati is to reduce the world's population, and with their bio-engineered weapons they can be race, and gene-type specific-- "and Africa has always been called the test tube of wicked men's inventions," he remarked. He also touched on such subjects as the missing Malaysian jet, End Times prophecy, stargates, and the Nephilim's agenda to create hybrids.

News guests: Mitch Battros, Lauren Weinstein, Robert Zimmerman

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