Dearly Departed Special #2

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Dearly Departed Special #2

About the show

We have mourned the loss of many Coast to Coast AM guests but tonight George Noory remembered and celebrated the contributions from some of our favorite departed guests with highlights from their best interviews. First we heard a conversation from 4/4/13 with Dolores Cannon, the insightful hypnotherapist and psychic researcher, who just passed away a few days ago. She shared some of the "lost knowledge" which she acquired by taking clients into a deep trance state, including details about how aliens are able to transport themselves between dimensions.

In an interview from 12/14/09, prophecy expert and author Grant Jeffrey discussed how technology and surveillance are setting the stage for a new reign of tyranny from a hidden global elite that seeks to install a one-world government. Jeffrey died of a cardiac arrest in 2012. Next, we heard a segment from Dr. Evelyn Paglini's last appearance on C2C, 12/3/13, in which the captivating natural magic practitioner offered her dire predictions and visions for weather, economy and earth changes in 2014. Paglini passed away in March 2014. From 10/4/09, lecturer and author Debbie Ford (who died at age 59 from cancer in 2013) discussed intricacies of the dark side-- the suppressed emotions and unresolved internal conflicts that people carry with them.

From the 9/28/09 show, author, blogger and Fortean researcher Mac Tonnies argued that the ET hypothesis is somewhat of an outmoded concept, and that the truth about aliens may be stranger than we can imagine. Tonnies died suddenly at age 34 less than one month after this interview. Closing the show, we returned to 3/5/12 for researcher Lloyd Pye's last visit on the show, in which he presented tantalizing evidence that the Starchild skull may be of alien origin. Alas, Lloyd Pye lost his battle with cancer in 2013, but left behind a legacy of intriguing work that we won't forget.

Death and the Soul

First hour guest, medium James Van Praagh addressed such topics as the nature of the soul, the afterlife, and communication with spirits. Death is not the end, but a change in form, where people experience a connection with a "great oneness," he shared, adding that he views God as an "omnipresent, nurturing energy" that everyone has within them. The soul is the essence or core of a person's being, an energy that has traveled through lifetimes, and is not limited to just the Earth's vibration, but can exist in many realms, he revealed.

News segment guests: Dr. Gary Ridenour / Steve Kates - related sunspot photo


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On the 8/1/13 show, as well as the 10/23/14, 6/16/16, 5/24/18, 12/6/18, and 8/15/19 programs, we remember the trailblazing Coast to Coast AM guests who have now passed on.

Here is a list, along with links to their individual Show Bio pages:

James Arthur (1958-2005) was a popular lecturer who coalesced Ethnomycology, Ethnobotany, Astrotheology, Archaeoastronomy, Occult Anatomy, Chemistry, Philosophy, Anthropology, Theology, Mythology, Alchemy and Symbology to weave a fascinating quilt of human history that sheds an astonishing light on human origins and even the future of humanity.

Cleve Backster (1924 -2013) was an interrogation specialist for the CIA, best known for his experiments with plants using a polygraph instrument in the 1960s which led to his theory of "primary perception" where he claimed that plants "feel pain" and have extrasensory perception (ESP).

Chuck Barris (1930 -2017) claimed that, throughout his successful TV career, he was leading a double life as a decorated CIA assassin. He was the creator and host of The Gong Show, but his resume also included such classic shows as The Dating Game and The Newlywed Game.

Fereydoon Batmanghelidj (1931–2004) received his medical education and training at St. Mary's Hospital Medical School of London University. He spent most of his scientific life researching the link between pain and disease and chronic dehydration. Dr. Batmanghelidj discovered the healing powers of water when he was serving time as a political prisoner in an Iranian jail. He successfully treated 3,000 fellow prisoners suffering from stress-induced peptic ulcer disease with the only medication he possessed – water.

Jon-Erik Beckjord (1939–2008) was a San Francisco-based paranormal investigator and photographer known for his far-reaching ideas regarding such phenomena as UFOs, crop circles, the Loch Ness Monster, and his specialty, Bigfoot, which he believed to be an extradimensional ghost-like entity that lives in mountains, forests, and even farmers' fields.

Fred Bell (1943-2011), a flying saucer contactee, was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan. After high school, he joined the Air Force. He was trained to work on radar and was stationed at a facility where numerous UFO contacts were tracked. Following his time in the Air Force, he worked with Rockwell International and then as a consultant to various companies in the aerospace industry. It was during this time that he became interested in Eastern spirituality and studied with several spiritual masters. He also obtained a degree in alternative medicine and became a lecturer on behalf of the National Health Federation (an organization advocating freedom of medical choice for the public).

Tom Benedict (died 2016) found his true calling as a healer and intuitive who communicated with stones. As a Reiki master, he worked with energy and healing for over 20 years, and used the healing properties of stones and crystals.

Colin Bennett (1940-2014) was a British researcher known among Forteans and ufologists for his insightful biographical works, such as "Looking for Orthon" (about contactee George Adamski), and "Politics of the Imagination: The Life, Work and Ideas of Charles Fort."

Jim Berkland (1930-2016) was a California geologist who worked as County Geologist for Santa Clara County from 1973 until he retired in 1994. He was noted for his claims of predicting various earthquakes, including the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. In 1990, he described the "Seismic Window Theory" as correlating gravitational stresses with earthquakes - referring to the tidal stresses in the Earth resulting from the gravitational pull of the moon. He also subscribed to a theory that pets often react prior to earthquakes by running away, which he measured by monitoring the lost-and-found ads in several newspapers.

Al Bielek (1927–2011) worked for various military contractors, and said the people he worked with began to reveal the truth about the US government's involvement with extraterrestrials and PSYOPS (Psychological Operations) programs. Strange things started to happen to him soon afterward. Recruited into the "Montauk Project," Bielek said he worked his normal day job in California and then would take a highly classified underground magnetic levitation subway train from Los Angeles to Montauk. In January 1988, his memories of his participation in the Philadelphia Experiment started to return. Bielek made the decision to go public with the information about his involvement at Montauk and the Philadelphia Experiment in 1989.

John Bindernagel (1941-2018) was a professional wildlife biologist with international experience with the United Nations in wildlife conservation, research, and training in East Africa, Iran, Nepal, the Caribbean, and Central America. His research into Bigfoot culminated in two books, North America’s Great Ape: the Sasquatch (1998), and The Discovery of Bigfoot (2010).

Ray Bradbury (1920 – 2012) was an American fantasy, science-fiction, horror and mystery fiction writer. Best known for his dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 (1953) and for the science fiction and horror stories gathered together as The Martian Chronicles (1950) and The Illustrated Man (1951), Bradbury was one of the most celebrated 20th-century American writers. Many of Bradbury's works have been adapted into comic books, television shows and films.

Sylvia Browne (1936 – 2013) was a popular American author, psychic, and spiritual medium. She appeared regularly on television and radio, including The Montel Williams Show and Larry King Live, and hosted an hour-long Internet radio show on Hay House Radio.

George Carlin (1937–2008) was an American stand-up comedian, social critic, satirist, actor, and writer/author, who won five Grammy Awards for his comedy albums. Carlin was noted for his black humor as well as his thoughts on politics, the English language, psychology, religion, and various taboo subjects. Carlin and his "Seven Dirty Words" comedy routine were central to the 1978 U.S. Supreme Court case F.C.C. v. Pacifica Foundation, in which a 5–4 decision by the justices affirmed the government's power to regulate indecent material on the public airwaves.

Charlie Carlson (1943-2015) was an American author, novelist, actor, and film producer. Known as "Florida's Man in Black" or "Master of the Weird," Carlson specialized in the paranormal, strange events and places, and many historical books. He has also produced and acted in radio shows and movie productions related to his genre.

Philip Carlo (1949–2010) was a journalist and best selling biographer of Thomas Pitera, Richard Kuklinski, Anthony Casso, and Richard Ramirez. Carlo suffered from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as "Lou Gehrig's Disease". He was bound to a wheelchair and respirator but retained his ability to speak normally during his lifetime.

Dolores Cannon (1931- 2014) was a regressive hypnotherapist and psychic researcher who recorded "Lost" knowledge. She was involved with hypnosis for 40 years and exclusively with past-life therapy and regression work for thirty years. Over this time she developed her own unique technique which enabled her to gain the most efficient release of information from her clients, and to facilitate instantaneous healing.

Edgar Evans Cayce (1918–2013) was the youngest son of the famous clairvoyant Edgar Cayce and his wife, Gertrude. He graduated from Duke University in 1939 with a B.S. in electrical engineering, and was a registered professional engineer. Married and the father of two children, Edgar Evans Cayce was the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, the organization dedicated to preserving and studying the transcripts of psychic data left by his late father.

Jim Channon (1948-2017) was a retired US Army lieutenantcolonel, New Age futurologist, and business consultant. He is most notably remembered for creating the First Earth Battalion manual. Many of the ideas contained in this and the outcomes of putting such concepts into practice have been documented by journalist Jon Ronson in his book "The Men Who Stare at Goats."

Robert Chapman (1935–2012) was the editor and publisher of the International Forecaster, a publication that covers business, finance, economics, and social and political issues all over the world. Mr. Chapman spent 45 years in the finance and investment business, 28 of which were as a stockbroker, specializing in gold and silver shares. For a number of years he owned his own brokerage firm.

Dr. Rama P. Coomaraswamy (1929-2006), a Catholic priest, was a friend of the late Father Malachi Martin. Dr. Coomaraswamy received his early education in India, in an orthodox Hindu setting. He graduated from Harvard University and then went on to Medical School. He spent 30 years as a Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon. Following his retirement from surgery, he retrained in Psychiatry. He has published fairly extensively both in the fields of medicine and theology. In 1997 he was ordained by the traditional rites in the Roman Catholic Church.

Gordon Cooper (1927–2004) was an American aeronautical engineer, test pilot and one of the seven original astronauts in Project Mercury, the first manned space program of the United States. Cooper piloted the longest and final Mercury spaceflight in 1963. He was the first American to sleep in space during that 34-hour mission and was the last American to be launched alone to conduct an entirely solo orbital mission.

William "Bill" Cooper (1943–2001) was an American conspiracy theorist, radio broadcaster, and author best known for his 1991 book "Behold a Pale Horse," in which he warned of multiple global conspiracies, some involving ETs.

Philip Coppens (1971–2012) was a Belgian author, radio host, and commentator whose writings, speeches and television appearances focused on areas of alternative and fringe science and history. He was a co-host of the Spirit Revolution radio show, his writing was featured in Nexus and Atlantis Rising magazines, and he appeared in 16 episodes of the History Channel's Ancient Aliens television series.

Col. Philip J. Corso (1915–1998) was a member of President Eisenhower's National Security Council and former head of the Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S. Army's Research & Development department. He came forward to reveal his personal stewardship of alien artifacts from the Roswell crash. In his book, The Day After Roswell, he told how he spearheaded the Army's reverse-engineering project that led to today's integrated circuit chips, fiber optics, and lasers, and how he helped to "seed" the Roswell alien technology to giants of American industry.

Benjamin Creme (1922-2016) was a British artist and long-time student of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings. He became known as the principal source of information about the emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher.

Robert O. Dean (1929-2018) was a retired Command Sergeant Major, whose history included forty years of research in the UFO field. He spent twenty-seven years of active duty in the US Army where he retired as Command Sergeant Major after serving as a highly decorated infantry combat veteran. He claimed to have viewed a classified government document called "The Assessment" that allegedly discussed threats posed by alien activity on Earth.

Melvin Dummar (1944-2018) was a Utah man who earned attention when he claimed to have saved reclusive business tycoon Howard Hughes in the Nevada desert in 1967, and to have been awarded part of Hughes' vast estate. Dummar's claims resulted in a series of court battles that all ended in rulings against him.

Wayne Dyer (1940-2015) affectionately called the "father of motivation" by his fans, was one of the most widely known and respected people in the field of self-empowerment. He became a well-known author with his best-selling book, Your Erroneous Zones, and went on to write many other self-help classics.

Gene Egidio (1933-2009) was an internationally renowned spiritual healer. He was a child when he first discovered his gift - the ability to heal the sick just by touching them. Frightened by this seemingly demonic talent, his parents sought "treatment" for their son, including exorcisms and a year of electroshock therapy. This brutality taught him to hide his God-given gift. Years later, a chance incident reawakened Gene's healing powers.

Andre Eggelletion (died 2019) was a successful entrepreneur and talk radio host of the nationally syndicated, Andre Eggelletion Show. His topics focused heavily on geopolitics and global economics as well as hot-button social issues. He was a leading commentator on the Fed, the global economy, and foreign policy, and had most recently served as a co-editor of the Straight Money Analysis newsletter.

Masaru Emoto (1943-2014) was a Japanese author and entrepreneur, who claimed that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water.

Jose Escamilla (1951-2018) was a producer, director, and composer, who recorded anomalous aerial activity on video, which he believed was a lifeform. He named this the Rods phenomenon.

Dr. Robin Falkov (died 2019) was a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, practiced Homeopathy for over 25 years, and was a Diplomate of the National Board of Homeopathic Examiners. Her comprehensive consultations included nutritional therapies, diet, and lifestyle review. Since learning of the threat to our health freedom rights from the U.N.'s Codex Alimentarius Commission in 1995, Dr. Falkov made this critical information a focus in her interviews and workshops.

Patrick Flanagan (1944-2019) was an American New Age author and inventor. He wrote books focused on Egyptian sacred geometry and Pyramidology, and held numerous patents as an inventor. He believed he was possibly the reincarnation of Nikola Tesla.

David Flynn (1962-2012) posted original and groundbreaking research of ancient mysteries, "illuminated" fraternities, and Bible prophecy on his famous Watcher Website. David's research has been published and referenced by numerous best selling authors, books and magazines around the world.

Debbie Ford (1955–2013) was an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation whose books have been translated into twenty-two languages and used as teaching tools in universities. She earned a degree in psychology with an emphasis in consciousness studies from JFK University. Her ongoing mission was to empower people to become the conscious designers of their lives and to create the outer circumstances that most clearly reflect their heart's desires.

Stanton Friedman (1934-2019) was an iconic UFO researcher who is best known for being the first civilian investigator to research the landmark Roswell incident. His explosive uncovering of the mysterious 1947 event in New Mexico left an indelible mark in the field of ufology. He received BS and MS degrees in Physics from University of Chicago in 1955 and 1956, where Carl Sagan was a classmate, and he worked for fourteen years as a nuclear physicist for such companies as General Electric, General Motors, Westinghouse, TRW, Aerojet General Nucleonics, and McDonnell Douglas. He was the author of such books as "Crash at Corona" and "Flying Saucers and Science."

Laurence Gardner (1943-2010) was a writer and lecturer in the "alternative history" genre of research. His first book Bloodline of the Holy Grail was published in 1996 and was serialized in the Daily Mail and became a best seller. He used his books to propose several theories, including a belief that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had married and had children, whose descendants included King Arthur and the House of Stuart. In Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark, he claimed that the Ark of the Covenant was a machine for manufacturing "monatomic gold" - a supposed elixir which could be used to extend life.

Ron Garner (1935-2015) was on a lifelong quest to find out what was really going on in the UFO/paranormal field. As a videographer, he produced a six-part DVD set that chronicled various Area 51 "whistleblowers."

Lou Gentile (1969-2009) personally experienced ghosts and violent hauntings for over 20 years. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and grew up in two haunted houses. He was a local union 322 HVACR mechanic by day and at night a paranormal investigator, demonologist, musician & nationally syndicated talk show host. He was featured on MTV's FEAR, FOX Family Channel's Scariest Places On Earth, The Learning Channel, The Discovery Channel, Unsolved Mysteries, and many more.

Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf (1949-2005) worked intimately for many years with indigenous elders in both North and South America, many of whom have embraced him as a spiritual teacher, a prophet and ceremonial leader in his own right. He had two Ph.D.'s, one in Christian Theology and Native American Studies, and a second in Biblical Archeology.

Father Nicholas Gruner (1942-2015) was a priest in good standing, ordained for more than 26 years. He had a degree in Bachelor of Commerce from McGill University and received his S.T.B. (Bachelor of Sacred Theology) and S.T.L. (Licentiate of Sacred Theology) and successfully passed all his courses with highest honors in his studies for the S.T.D. (Doctorate in Sacred Theology) from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. As an alumnus of the prestigious Angelicum and a student of St. Thomas, he continued his theological research in the light of the message of Our Lady of Fatima and published his insights in the Fatima Crusader and other Fatima Apostolate publications.

Rosemary Ellen Guiley (1950-2019) was a bestselling author, researcher, and investigator in the paranormal, metaphysical and related fields, including hauntings, psychic skills and protection, afterlife studies and spirit communication, cryptids, alien contact, and the interdimensional aspects of our extraordinary experiences. A dear friend of C2C, she was our go-to-authority on such topics as dreams, demons, and the afterlife, in her more than 60 appearances over the years. Author of some 65 books, she was president and owner of Visionary Living, Inc., a publishing and media productions company and imprint, and served as the Executive Editor of FATE Magazine.

Paul Guercio (1946-2019) was a nationally respected futurist and a long-time student of traditional and esoteric predictive systems. His 25 years of research into the Psychical Sciences and subsequent collaboration with Dr. George Hart directly resulted in the creation of the MERLIN Project. His clients included many prominent business people, politicians, and celebrities.

John Jay Harper (1951-2010) was a clinical hypnotherapist, futurist, medical research scientist, public speaker, and writer. He was a graduate of the American Institute of Hypnotherapy, Independence University's California College for Health Sciences, and Central Washington University. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army and a retired computer specialist, electronics engineer, and senior mental health counselor with the Department of Defense. Later he became an environmentalist and international talk show guest speaking to the relationship between our consciousness evolution and cataclysmic earth changes.

Mark A. Hall (1946-2016) pursued a lifelong curiosity about mysterious animal reports and unexplained natural phenomena, which he looked into and wrote about for more than 30 years. He was the author of Living Fossils and The Yeti, Bigfoot, True Giants, and Thunderbirds.

Ray Harryhausen (1920–2013) was an American visual effects creator, writer, and producer who created a form of stop-motion model animation known as "Dynamation." His most memorable works include the animation on Mighty Joe Young (1949), with his mentor Willis H. O'Brien, which won the Academy Award for special effects; The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958), his first color film; and Jason and the Argonauts (1963), featuring a famous sword fight against seven skeleton warriors.

Terry Hansen (died 2014) was a journalist known for his groundbreaking work on the news media's complicity in the UFO cover-up, and how the CIA had arrangements with various media to spread its propaganda.

Chuck Harder (died 2018) was a pioneer in talk radio and helped educate, and enlighten America with cutting-edge news and commentary. He also designed, licensed, and built radio stations from the ground up.

Michael Hastings (1980-2013) was an American journalist, author, contributing editor to Rolling Stone, and reporter for BuzzFeed. He rose to prominence with his coverage of the Iraq War for Newsweek in the 2000s. After his fiancee, Andrea Parhamovich, was killed when her car was ambushed in Iraq, Hastings wrote his first book, I Lost My Love in Baghdad: A Modern War Story (2008). He received the George Polk Award for "The Runaway General" (2010), a Rolling Stone profile of General Stanley McChrystal, commander of NATO's International Security Assistance Force in the Afghanistan war. The article documented the widespread contempt for civilian officials in the US government by the general and his staff and resulted in McChrystal's resignation.

Harry Helms (1952-2009) was the author of over a dozen books, on mostly scientific and technical topics including the "Shortwave Listening Guidebook." He also investigated top secret government installations and the clandestine work that took place there.

Don Herbert, known as Mr. Wizard, (1917– 2007) was the creator and host of Watch Mr. Wizard (1951–65, 1971–72) and of Mr. Wizard's World (1983–90), which were educational television programs for children devoted to science and technology. He also produced many short video programs about science and authored several popular books about science for children.

Patrick Heron (1952 – 2014) was an Irish author who became interested in Bible prophecy concerning the "end times" around 1996. In 1997, his first book Apocalypse Soon was published and became a bestseller in Ireland.

Nita Hickok (1953-2015) was a ritual magician, energy healer and clairvoyant. For over 40 years, her healing methods helped people with obsession from spirits and other problems.

Budd Hopkins (1931–2011) was an American painter, sculptor, and prominent figure in alien abduction phenomena, and related UFO research. In 1975, Hopkins and Ted Bloecher studied a multiple-witness UFO report, the North Hudson Park UFO sightings, which occurred in New Jersey. In 1976, the Village Voice printed Hopkins' account of the investigation, and he began receiving regular letters from other UFO witnesses, including a few cases of what would later be called "missing time"-- inexplicable gaps in one's memory, associated with UFO encounters.

Barbara Marx Hubbard (1929-2019) was the President of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution, an evolutionary educator, author of numerous books, renowned speaker, and social innovator. She was called "the voice for conscious evolution of our time" by Deepak Chopra and was the subject of Neale Donald Walsch's book "The Mother of Invention." Her online education program Gateway to Conscious Evolution reached thousands worldwide.

Steve Irwin (1962-2006), nicknamed "The Crocodile Hunter," was an Australian wildlife expert, television personality, and conservationist. Irwin achieved worldwide fame from the television series The Crocodile Hunter, an internationally broadcast wildlife documentary series which he co-hosted with his wife, Terri. Together, the couple also owned and operated Australia Zoo. Irwin died after being pierced in the chest by a stingray barb while filming an underwater documentary film titled Ocean's Deadliest.

Beverly Jaegers (1935-2001) was a teacher, researcher, psychic investigator, and licensed investigator since 1974. With over thirty years of experience in the fields of psychic phenomena, Jaegers worked with individuals and with police aiding in investigations. She was featured on A&E's The Unexplained, and was the author of The Psychic Paradigm. She was also a major force behind the US Psi Squad, a State of Missouri Registered Detective Agency.

Grant Reid Jeffrey (1948-2012) was a Canadian Bible teacher of Bible prophecy/eschatology and biblical archaeology and a proponent of dispensational evangelical Christianity. Jeffrey served as the chairman of Frontier Research Publications for more than 20 years. His books have sold more than 7 million copies and have been printed in 24 languages.

John Major Jenkins (1964-2017) was an independent researcher who devoted himself to reconstructing ancient Mayan cosmology and philosophy. Informed by innovative field work at key archaeological sites and inspired by living and working among the Highland Maya, Jenkins’ comprehensive work covered media misconceptions, assessments of 2012 theories, consciousness studies, Maya shamanism, and archaeoastronomical research.

JC Johnson (died 2018) was considered by some to be the "Indiana Jones of Cryptozoology." He founded and led groups of enthusiastic and determined researchers focused on a variety of strange and mysterious creatures in the Four Corners area of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah. This group's research included Bigfoot, giant snakes, living dinosaurs, werewolves, dragons, giant birds, and other cryptids.

Vendyl Jones (1930–2010) was an American Noahide scholar who directed archaeological searches for Biblical artifacts such as the Ark of the Covenant.

Casey Kasem (1932 – 2014)was a disc jockey, music historian, radio personality, voice actor, and actor, best known for being the host of several music radio countdown programs, most notably American Top 40 from 1970 until his retirement in 2009.

John Keel (1930– 2009) was an American journalist and influential ufologist who is best known as author of The Mothman Prophecies.

Jim Keith (1949-1999) was an American author best known for the books "Black Helicopters Over America" and "The Octopus", co-written with Kenn Thomas, which detail conspiracy theories around the death of reporter Danny Casolaro. Keith authored popular books on conspiracy topics, including Mind Control/World Control, Black Helicopters I and II, OK Bomb, Saucers of the Illuminati, Casebook on Alternative 3, Casebook on the Men In Black and many others and his views are considered unapologetically controversial.

Glenn Kimball (died 2010) collected ancient texts since the age of fifteen and was famous for being able to integrate very diverse texts into a contiguous story line. Due to the censorship of time and doubt, most of the documents and oral stories chronicling the early life of Jesus were destroyed, lost, or forgotten. After 25 years of research, during which Kimball visited museums, Indian tribes, medicine men, and universities, he assembled some of the missing links and unsolved mysteries of Christianity.

Hans Christian King (1943-2019) was a direct voice medium and metaphysics expert specializing in channeling and spirit communication. He worked in partnership with his four Master Spirit Guides, and saw more than 43,000 clients in private readings over forty years.

Marshall Klarfeld (1929-2019) graduated with an engineering degree from CALTECH in 1951 after studying under such luminaries as Nobel Laureate professors Richard Feynman and Linus Pauling. Fascinated by what he considered advanced scientific knowledge in the Bible’s story of creation, he embarked on a quest to unravel the mysteries surrounding humanity’s early history.

Craig R. Lang (died 2018) was a certified hypnotherapist with the National Guild of Hypnotists. He had a hypnotherapy practice in Brooklyn Center (Minneapolis), MN. In addition to hypnotherapy, he was a field investigator with the Mutual UFO Network and researched UFO sightings, anomaly reports and close encounters.

George Lee Lutz (1947- 2006) had a brief stay in a home in Amityville, N.Y., which spawned one of the most famous haunted house stories, the basis for the "Amityville Horror" novel and movies.

Dr. Roger Leir (1934 - 2014), author of "Aliens and the Scalpel," was said to be one of the worlds most important leaders in physical evidence research involving the field of Ufology. He and his surgical team performed numerous implant removal surgeries on alleged alien abductees.

Michael Luckman (died 2015), was the director of the New York Center for Extraterrestrial Research and founder of the Cosmic Majority, an organization that seeks to advance the views of the majority of people living on planet Earth who believe in UFOs, life on other planets, and throughout the Universe. He was the author of "Alien Rock: The Rock ‘n Roll Extraterrestrial Connection."

John Mack M.D. (1929-2004) was an American psychiatrist, writer, and professor at Harvard Medical School. He was a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer, and a leading authority on the spiritual or transformational effects of alleged alien abduction experiences.

Eugene Mallove (1947–2004) was a scientist, science writer, editor, and publisher of Infinite Energy magazine, and founder of the non-profit organization New Energy Foundation. He was a strong proponent of cold fusion, and a supporter of its research and related exploratory alternative energy topics.

Ray Manzarek (1939-2013) was an American musician, singer, producer, film director, and author, best known as a founding member and keyboardist of The Doors from 1965 to 1973.

Jesse Marcel Jr. (1937 -2013) joined the US Navy in 1962 and was assigned to the USS Renville and shortly thereafter participated in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Later he completed specialty training in Otolaryngology at the Naval Hospital, San Diego, California. He then retired from the Navy in July of 1971 and entered private practice in Helena, Montana. His father was Jesse Marcel, the military officer who handled some of the Roswell crash debris, in July 1947, and believed it was not of this Earth. Shortly after the crash, Marcel Jr. recalled his father bringing some of the debris home and letting him have a look.

Jim Marrs (1943-2017) was an acclaimed investigative journalist and beloved member of the conspiracy theory and UFO research community. He achieved worldwide notoriety for his landmark book Crossfire, which examined inconsistencies in the official story of the JFK assassination, which served as the basis, along with another book, for the Oliver Stone film JFK. Marrs went on to write a pair of highly influential works in the form of Alien Agenda and Rule by Secrecy as well as one of the first books on the US government's remote viewing program. In the wake of 9/11, he turned his attention to that tragic event and uncovered a wealth of information which suggested that something was amiss with the 'official' version of events.

Craig S. Martin (1954-2017) was a nationally recognized demonologist, who founded Shasta Supernatural Investigators in 1979 in Redding, California. As such, he was one of only a handful of authorities involved in the examination and investigation of inhuman spirit phenomena in the world

Riley Martin (1946-2015) began having alien encounters when he was seven. He said he was taken aboard an alien spacecraft to a huge mothership in the rings of Saturn. He subsequently chronicled his experiences in the book "The Coming of Tan."

Philip Marshall(1959-2013), a veteran airline captain and former government "special activities" contract pilot authored three books on top secret America. Beginning with his roles in the 1980s as a Lear jet captain within a DEA sting on Pablo Escobar and later in the covert arming of Nicaraguan Contras, Marshall researched 30 years of covert government activities, a revolving door of Wall Street tricksters, media moguls and their well-funded politicians into every branch of our government.

Malachi Martin (1921–1999) was a renowned exorcist and Jesuit, an advisor to three Popes, and best-selling author. As a member of the Vatican Intelligence Network, under Pope John the 23rd, Martin helped extend the Church into Iron Curtain countries. In 1964, concerned about the corrupting influences of power, Martin was released from his vows of poverty and obedience after 25 years as a Jesuit. He left Rome for New York, where he did odd jobs until a Guggenheim Fellowship enabled him to write his first bestseller, Hostage to the Devil.

Terence McKenna (1946–2000) was an American psychonaut, lecturer, and writer. He was noted for his ability to articulate his knowledge on psychedelics, metaphysics, plant-based entheogens, and subjects ranging from shamanism, language, historical and civilizational timelines, the theoretical origins of human consciousness, and his concept of novelty theory.

Ed McMahon (1923 – 2009) knew most of the entertainment icons of the 20th century. He started his television career in Philadelphia and moved to New York in 1958 to appear on Who Do You Trust with Johnny Carson. Ed interviewed writers, producers, cameramen and stars such as Annette Funicello, Dick Clark, Andy Griffith, Art Linkletter, Gale Storm, Barbara Billingsley, Walter Cronkite, Jerry Mathers, Soupy Sales, Ron Howard, Merv Griffin and more to provide not just a history of early television, but a history told by those who made it happen.

Chuck Missler (1934-2018) was an author, evangelical Christian, Bible teacher, engineer, and former businessman. He was the founder of the Koinonia House ministry based in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and known for his knowledge of biblical interpretation and prophecy.

Bob Mitchell (1953-2016) was a Canadian author and journalist, who covered crime and sports for The Toronto Star for more than 35 years. After leaving the newspaper in May 2013, Mitchell turned his attention to writing UFO books.

Edgar Mitchell (1930-2016), the sixth man to walk on the moon, piloted the Apollo 14 mission, earning him a myriad of awards including the Presidential Medal of Freedom and a place in the Science Hall of Fame. He differed from most of his fellow astronauts due to his strong advocacy for the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials. He was also an ardent researcher of consciousness and the nature of psychic phenomena, founding the exceptional Institute for Noetic Sciences in 1973.

Stanley Monteith (1929 -2014) was a radio host and author and a retired orthopedic surgeon. He was popularly known as Doctor Stan, and hosted a daily radio show called Radio Liberty.

Brian O'Leary (1940-2011) was an American scientist, author, and former NASA astronaut. He was a member of the sixth group of astronauts selected by NASA in August 1967. The members of this group of eleven were known as the scientist-astronauts, intended to train for the Apollo Applications Program - a follow-on to the Apollo Program, which was ultimately canceled. In later life, he became an advocate of utilizing exotic energy sources to resolve humanity's energy problems.

Helene Olson (1957-2015) was a multi-dimensional psychic medium and a licensed reader with the city of Salem, MA. It was her conviction that love never dies, and that our soul continues to rock & roll through time and space.

Evelyn Paglini (died 2014) was a parapsychologist, and one of the leading authorities on the occult and the supernatural in the United States. She was born into a centuries-old family of practitioners of the Occult and at the age of four, her grandfather began teaching her Natural Magic. She was a psychic, metaphysical teacher, lecturer, consultant, doctor of divinity and spiritual warrior.

Edmund J. Pankau (1945-2004), the President of Pankau Consulting, was one of the leading authorities on the detection and prevention of financial fraud and the conduct of domestic and international financial investigation. His experience as an investigator spanned thirty years, during which he assisted in the recovery of millions of dollars and the prosecution of criminals throughout the world.

R. Gary Patterson (1951-2017) was a rock historian and native Tennessean. His first book, The Walrus Was Paul, examined the urban legend that Paul McCartney had died and was replaced with an imposter during the 1960's. His subsequent works, like "Hellhounds on Their Trail" established him as the preeminent expert on rock music myths, legends, and curses. An enormously popular Coast guest, Patterson appeared on the program a whopping 36 times and had become a beloved fixture of C2C. For well over a decade, he delighted Coast listeners with his masterful storytelling and boundless knowledge about legendary musicians and the curious tales that surrounded them.

Dr. Paul Pearsall (1942-2007) was a licensed clinical and educational psychologist. His teachings challenged the usual "inspirational self-help" approaches which have become popular. Dr. Pearsall received the prestigious Scripps Medical Center Trail Blazer in Medicine Award for his clinical and research work in health and wellness. He studied and did clinical work on the relationship between humor and health, and combined the latest findings from psychology and medicine with ancient Hawaiian principles of loving, working and living.

Ted Phillips (1942-2020) was the Director of the Center for Physical Trace Research. He began investigating UFO reports in 1964 and was a research associate of Dr. J. Allen Hynek from 1968 until Dr. Hynek's death in 1986. It was Hynek who suggested that Phillips focus on UFO physical trace cases. Phillips and his team investigated more than 4000 physical trace cases in over 90 countries.

Erik Poltarak (1970-2012) worked for author Zecharia Sitchin for 10 years, including running Erik's own research into Sumerian descriptions of extraterrestrial "gods" was enriched by his several group trips alongside Mr. Sitchin, including treks to England, Malta, Mexico, and Italy.

Jerry Pournelle (1933-2017) was an American science fiction writer, essayist, and journalist who contributed for many years to the computer magazine Byte in the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s. In 2011, he joined forces with several others to launch the independent tech and political news site aNewDomain.

Lloyd Pye (1946 - 2013) was an American author and paranormal researcher best known for his promotion of the Starchild skull, which he believed was a relic of an alien or non-human being.

Red Elk (1942-2015) was an Inter-tribal Medicine Man who frequently appeared on Coast to Coast to share Native American lore and wisdom, as well as his visions of impending Earth Changes for the planet.

Dr. Amy Reed (1973-2017) was a physician and cancer patient who turned a personal calamity into a crusade to spare other women from the medical procedure that harmed her.

Pam Reynolds (1956–2010) from Atlanta, Georgia, was an American singer-songwriter. In 1991, at the age of 35, she claimed to have had a near-death experience (NDE) during a brain operation performed at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona. Her experience was one of the most notable and widely documented in near-death studies because of the unusual circumstances under which it happened.

Rob Riggs (died 2015) was a Bigfoot researcher, journalist, and the former publisher of a series of award-winning community newspapers in Texas. His interest in "ghost lights," "wild man" sightings, and related phenomena began as a child when he heard tales about them in his hometown of Sour Lake in Big Thicket country.

Joyce Riley (1948-2017) was a registered nurse, advocate for Gulf War veterans, and served as a Captain in the USAF in support of Operation Desert Storm, flying active duty missions on a C-130 aircraft from Alaska to Cuba. This experience, as well as her nursing background, led to her becoming a tireless voice for Gulf War veterans, specifically those who suffered from what has been dubbed 'Gulf War syndrome.' Alongside her husband Dave vonKleist, Riley also hosted the popular radio show, "The Power Hour."

Hilly Rose (1926-2017) was an American radio personality and a pioneer of the talk radio format. His professional career spanned seven decades. He was inducted into the Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame as a "Living Legend" pioneer broadcaster in 2016. An avid paranormal enthusiast, Hilly was a frequent C2C guest host in late 1998 and throughout 1999, memorably chronicling the run-up to the new millennium with his 'Y2K Reports.'

Aaron Russo (1943–2007) was an American entertainment businessman, film producer and director, and political activist. He was best known for producing such movies as Trading Places, Wise Guys, and The Rose. Later in life, he created various Libertarian-leaning political documentaries including Mad as Hell, and America: Freedom to Fascism.

Michael C. Ruppert (1951- 2014) was an American author, a former LAPD officer, investigative journalist, political activist and peak oil awareness advocate.

Irwin A. Schiff (1928-2015) was a prominent figure in the tax protester movement and was known for writing and promoting literature in which he claimed the United States income tax is applied incorrectly.

Stephen Schochet (1962-2015) was an author, radio host, and Hollywood tour guide, who collected literally hundreds of vintage Hollywood Stories to tell to appreciative sightseers.

Richard Shafsky (1948-2018) studied with the founder of the Crystal Skull Society and a Mayan shaman priest in Mexico. Guided by communications from the Crystal Skulls, his life was full of study and research. His diligence and trust in this process made him an evolved problem solver in many diverse arenas but notably in organo-metallic applications in cleaning polluted water, processes for eliminating pathogens from the human physiology as well as comprehension and application of ion propulsion systems.

Richard Shaw (1954-2019) was the director and producer of the Watchers catalog of DVDs, collaborating with L.A. Marzulli. He was a pioneer in non-linear editing techniques. He founded Z Post in 1994, and was nationally known as an industry specialist in the field of computerized digital non-linear editing. Shaw was Vice President of Digital Solutions, Atlanta, and then moved to Hollywood and formed Pinlight LLC to focus more intently on film.

Carol Simontacchi (1947-2011) authored numerous books and training courses including Your Fat is Not Your Fault and The Crazy Makers: How Fast Foods are Killing Our Minds and Destroying Our Children.

Zecharia Sitchin (1920–2010) was an eminent Orientalist and Biblical scholar, distinguished by his ability to read ancient Sumerian clay tablets and other ancient texts. He attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, a race of extraterrestrials from the planet Nibiru, said to be on an elongated, elliptical orbit in the Earth's own Solar System. Sitchin's books have sold millions of copies worldwide and have been translated into more than 25 languages.

Jerry E. Smith (1950-2010) was an author, lecturer, poet, and editor. His published works include three books from Adventures Unlimited Press, scores of non-fiction articles and reviews, and more than a dozen ghost-written books. He was a close friend and literary partner of author Jim Keith.

Brad Steiger (1936-2018) was a legendary paranormal author and investigator who penned more than 170 books not only on the strange and unusual, but also biographies of Hollywood icons and true crime cases. In total, a jaw-dropping 17 million copies of his various works were sold throughout his incredible writing career. From 1970-'73, his weekly newspaper column, The Strange World of Brad Steiger, was carried domestically in over 80 newspapers and overseas from Bombay to Tokyo. He was married to Sherry Hansen Steiger, a licensed and ordained minister, herself the author or co-author of over 40 books.

Sherry Hansen Steiger (died 2020) co-created and produced the highly acclaimed Celebrate Life multi-media awareness program which was performed around the country for colleges, businesses, organizations and churches. A licensed and ordained minister, she was the author or co-author of over 40 books. She and her husband Brad Steiger lectured together internationally, appeared on many talk shows around the country, and served as consultants for such television shows as Sightings and Unsolved Mysteries.

Mat Stein (1956-2019) was an engineer, author and building contractor. He also worked as a schoolteacher, carpenter, and rock climbing and ski instructor. As the owner of Aloha Aina Builders, Stein built hurricane resistant, energy efficient and environmentally friendly homes. As a mechanical engineer and president of Stein Design, he designed consumer water filtration devices, commercial water filtration systems, photovoltaic roofing panels, medical bacteriological filters, drinking fountains, and emergency chemical drench systems. He authored three books, When Technology Fails, When Disaster Strikes, and a children's book.

Wendelle Stevens (1923-2010) was actively involved in ufology for 54 years, first as Director of Investigations for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) in Tucson, Ariz., where he retired. He amassed one of the largest collections of UFO photos and investigated a number of contact cases, published in more than 22 books. His most famous one was about the Billy Meier case in Switzerland.

Frank Stranges (1927-2008) was the Founder and President of the National Investigations Committee on UFOs. In addition, he was President of International Evangelical Crusades (a worldwide Christian Denomination) and International Theological Seminary of California. He held degrees in Theology, Psychology and Criminology.

William Strauss (1947–2007) was an author, historian, playwright, theater director, and lecturer. He was a graduate of Harvard College, Harvard Law School, and the Kennedy School of Government. He co-authored nine books, five of which were with Neil Howe about generational history.

Anne Strieber (1946-2015) was the editor and founder of the popular website The wife of Whitley Strieber, Anne was also a novelist, as well as a great supporter of Whitley's work, editing his many books.

Ingo Swann (1933–2013), considered the father of remote viewing, was internationally known as an advocate and researcher of the exceptional powers of the human mind, and a leading figure in governmental and scientific projects to investigate and identify the scope of subtle human perceptions.

Victor Thorn (1962-2016) was a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and author. The co-host of WING TV, a daily online television and radio show, he was also the founder of Sisyphus Press, and writer for American Free Press. Among his book titles: The New World Order Exposed, 9-11 On Trial, and The Hillary Trilogy.

Mac Tonnies (1975-2009) was an American author and blogger whose work focused on futurology, transhumanism and paranormal topics. Tonnies grew up in Independence, Missouri, and attended William Chrisman High School and Ottawa University. His cryptoterrestrial hypothesis was developed in his blog, and later published posthumously. It proposes that ET beings are actually mysterious and secretive races of earthly origin. Tonnies died of cardiac arrhythmia at the age of 34.

Tracy Twyman (1978-2019) wrote extensively about alternative history and the occult. She was the author of several nonfiction books and also the former editor of Dagobert's Revenge Magazine, a journal of esoteric history that was published from 1996 to 2003.

Tom Van Flandern (1940–2009) was an American astronomer and author specializing in celestial mechanics. Van Flandern had a career as a professional scientist, but was noted as an outspoken proponent of non-mainstream views related to astronomy, physics, and extraterrestrial life. He also published the non-mainstream Meta Research Bulletin.

Lorraine Warren (1927-2019) was a pioneering paranormal researcher, who along with her husband Ed, formed the New England Society for Psychic Research in 1952. Together, they investigated thousands of cases involving ghosts, demonic possession, and poltergeist activity over the course of the next six decades. The Warrens' investigations into the strange and unusual served as the inspiration for a number of Hollywood hits, including the Amityville Horror movies and, more recently, the wildly popular Conjuring and Annabelle series of films.

John Anthony West (1932- 2018) was an American author, lecturer, guide and a proponent of the Sphinx water erosion hypothesis. He wrote articles, essays and criticism for the New York Times Book Review, Conde Nast's Traveler and others. He won an Emmy award for his 1993 NBC special documentary, The Mystery of the Sphinx, hosted by Charlton Heston.

Ellen Whitehurst (died 2016) was the author of the Make This Your Lucky Day, and an expert in Feng shui and other empowering modalities such as holistic medicine. She was a popular monthly columnist for Redbook magazine as well as the writer of Ellen Whitehurst's Daily Tip of the Day for that was received by over a quarter million subscribers daily.

Stuart Wilde (1946-2013) was a British writer, best known for his visionary works on metaphysics, self-empowerment, and spirituality. He was also a lecturer, teacher, humorist, essayist, scriptwriter, lyricist, and music producer. He was the author of twenty books.

Prophet Yahweh (died 2014) was an American man who resided in Las Vegas, and claimed to have the ability to summon UFOs by using passages from the Bible.

Rabbi Moshe Yess (1945–2011) took a one way trip to Jerusalem in 1978 and enrolled in a Rabbi College, a yeshiva, and studied Judaism there for about seven years. In 1990-91, after witnessing very profound events that happened within the Chassidic Jewish Community called Habad-Lubavitch, Moshe Yess came to a startling realization that explained what is afoot in today's chaotic world from a Jewish perspective. In 1998, Moshe Yess assumed the title of Rabbi.

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Food Safety / Afterlife Evidence
Food safety expert Jeff Nelken shed light on the growing concerns surrounding food recalls and safety protocols. Followed by novelist and researcher Stafford Betty on evidence for the afterlife.


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