Financial Outlook/ Cryptozoology

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Financial Outlook/ Cryptozoology

About the show

In the first half, former NASDAQ arbitrator and long-time stock market analyst, Joe Meyer, discussed why he believes there's a lot to be positive about amid all the bearish sentiment in the economy, including good values in the energy and precious metals markets. Other economic positives in the US right now are low unemployment, record low interest rates, cheap gasoline prices in most states, a low rate of inflation (around 2%), and low mortgage rates. "I don't see the collapse that everyone's preparing for," he commented.

The stock market has tripled in value in six years, and so far we've only had a 10% correction, Meyer continued. One problem the US faces is we have the highest corporate income tax rate in the world, and this discourages corporations from remaining here. A precious metal bull market for gold and silver began in 2001, and remains alive and well, he said, even though there's been some retrenchment from their highs. Meyer spoke about natural gas being a good investment (through the owning of pipeline company stocks). The gas is the cleanest of fossil fuels, is widely used, and has a widespread infrastructure, he cited.


In the third hour, paranormal researcher and documentary filmmaker Christopher Maloney talked about his recent work, exploring cryptozoology in America. He detailed his visits to over twenty states to interview people who have reported creature sightings, including accounts of Mothman, Bigfoot, and Thunderbirds. Witnesses were often traumatized by seeing strange creatures they couldn't explain, with Bigfoot the most prevalent of the cryptids. One bizarre creature, known as the Dover Demon (seen in Dover, MA), was described as being hairless, and having pale rough skin, glowing eyes, and long fingers that wrapped along the ground as it walked. A minister in Pennsylvania told Maloney about seeing an enormous bird fly out of the woods-- it had a prehistoric look, a triangular tail, and smaller birds were pecking it at.

Strange Tales

In the last hour, author and paranormal expert Lionel Fanthorpe returned to share tales of the strange, scary, and mysterious. During a violent storm in an English village in the year 1577, two men were struck dead in a church belfry. "It was said that an enormous black dog with blazing red eyes had accompanied the storm and attacked people as it raced through the village," he recounted. Fanthorpe also delved into mysteries of Rennes-le-Chateau, Spring Heeled Jack, Voodoo, and a phantom coach.

News segment guests: Howard Bloom, Andre Eggelletion

Bumper Music

Last Night

Technology & Society / 'Doomsday Fish'
Technology & Society / 'Doomsday Fish'
Author Nick Begich discussed the state of the world, and profound changes in society and technology. Followed by Cheryll Jones with her interview of Professor Misty Paig-Tran on 'doomsday fish' and other strange sea creatures.


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