Revelation Warnings

Hosted byRichard Syrett

Revelation Warnings

About the show

Tsunamis, earthquakes, world wars, nuclear disasters, and upheaval in the Middle East – could it be we are living in the final trumpet days of Revelation? Police officer–turned senior pastor, Carl Gallups, joined Richard Syrett to explore the stunning visions of the Apostle John as written in the Book of Revelation, while overlaying them on major events in the 20th and 21st centuries.

"The Bible is the only the religious book in the world that dares to make prophetic statements about things that are going to happen in the last days," Gallups said. Some prophesies which have already unfolded including the return of the state of Israel and its subsequent recapturing of the city of Jerusalem, he noted. Gallups summarized Revelation as a book of hope and victory for those which belong to God through Jesus Christ, and encouraged believers to take comfort in its words.

The first six trumpet days presented in Chapters 8-9 of Revelation are harbingers or announcements to the world to get right with God before the end comes, Gallups explained. "We might be living in those trumpet days now," he warned. The seventh trumpet is the rapture of the church, Gallups continued, noting how he thinks it's getting very close to the time of Christ's return. He pointed to trumpet three as an example of one which has been fulfilled:

"The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— 11 the name of the star is Wormwood.[a] A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter." (Revelation 8:10-11)

Gallups believes this passage was fulfilled in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, noting how the radiation polluted the water and caused many deaths, as well as how the world 'Wormwood' is actually translated 'Chernobyl' in the Ukrainian New Testament.

Head Transplantation

First hour guest, neurosurgeon Sergio Canavero discussed his HEAVEN head transplantation project. Canavero said he believes this procedure could provide hope for patients diagnosed with crippling and untreatable disorders, such as tetraplegia and other conditions where stem cell therapy has failed. He claimed to have found a solution to deal with the extreme neuropathic pain caused by severing the spinal cord, as well as a way to reconnect it once the head is in place on a new body. Canavero estimated it will take only about $13 million in research funds over the next couple of years to bring human head transplantation to fruition and usher in a new age of medicine. "This is the first step towards life extension," he suggested.

Bumper Music

Last Night

Rise of AI & Robots / Tesla's Mysterious Plates
Rise of AI & Robots / Tesla's Mysterious Plates
Author Joe Allen shared his thoughts on AI and the future of humanity. Followed by the "Wizard of Weird" Joshua P. Warren, who explained the energy frequencies harnessed by Nikola Tesla's mysterious purple plates.


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