Reptilian Conquest

Hosted byRichard Syrett

Reptilian Conquest

About the show

According to researcher Len Kasten, an alien race known as the Reptilians have been abducting humans and creating hybrids as part of a conflict that has been going on for "many, many millennia." Joining Richard Syrett, he discussed how these techniques have been the hallmark of Reptilian conquest throughout the galaxy. His sources indicate that humans originated from the constellation known as Lyra, and described how a reptilian race from the Draco system invaded and chased the humans from their home star system to 110 other planets in the galaxy, which he says is known as "The Federation." Two of these planets are in our solar system: Mars and what is now known as Earth. Kasten says that the Reptilian race pursued humans to these two planets and sent the Martians underground, and invaded Earth, where they still live to this day, controlling our civilization and abducting some humans for horrific experiments and others for food.

Kasten says a few thousand members of the Reptilian race live underground and control our lives though the Illuminati, who are part Reptilian and own the banking and other economic instruments that run world societies. He says "wherever they go, they create a central bank" and money system as a method of wielding control. Another method of subjugation they use is "keeping us in a state of ignorance" about our true abilities. He also believes that the Reptilians prefer the blood of children because Kasten says it is "unpolluted" and because of this, they are abducted in the thousands every year. He doubts David Icke’s contention that Queen Elizabeth is a shape-shifting Reptilian, although adding that usually he "would tend to believe him before I would disbelieve him."

Both the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese Government were used by the Reptilians during WWII according to Kasten, but Hitler was eventually abandoned because he "became crazy and they could no longer control him." After the war, he contends that Dwight Eisenhower was briefed on the full Reptilian scenario, but that since then the fabled group known as MJ-12 are the only ones that continue to know all the facts. He added that alien/human hybrids live among us in society and are attempting to infiltrate our civilization by steady degrees. Kasten finally remarked that "actually, the Reptilians are afraid of us" and that the only chance to prevail in this scenario is to make more people aware of the situation.

‪Extending The Human Lifespan

Evolution may actually be programming species, including humans, to die according to American physicist Yaneer Bar-Yam and his team of scientists at the New England Complex Systems Institute. In the first hour, he described his work using a new math model for complex biological systems. He said that the traditional model of aging is that "we’re getting the best we can out of our biology." His work examines how genetics and evolution may program aging into the life process in order to keep the parents from living too long so that they use up resources that should be available to their offspring. Bar-Yam says that the research he is involved with has the goal of extending our healthily lifespans by essentially stopping the aging process, although the genetic mechanism that may be causing us to age has not been determined as yet. He believes that this is a definite possibility in our lifetimes.

A technical error prevented the live program feed from reaching the network in the first 30 minutes and a legacy program with George Noory was substituted during this time.

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