UFOs: New Theories & Evidence/ Sgt. Pepper's Influence

Hosted byGeorge Knapp

UFOs: New Theories & Evidence/ Sgt. Pepper's Influence

About the show

Joining George Knapp in the first half, UFO researcher and filmmaker Jeremy Corbell discussed his presentation at the recent Contact in the Desert UFO expo, as well as reported on other lecturers there, such as Jacques Vallee. With a new focus on physical proof via the scientific study of known UFO crash sites, Vallee has been organizing isotopic and elemental analysis of evidence, said Corbell. Some of the samples Vallee had tested were found to be outside of the terrestrial norm, and so pure in their form that they appear to be fabricated in a method not possible on Earth, he added. Corbell noted that the UFO conference attracted a varied crowd, and that a new generation of people have become interested in the UFO topic.

Regarding his own lecture, "UFOs: A Clockwork Orange," Corbell pointed to a mechanistic or robotic source behind the facade of the alien entities, which present themselves as organic. The UFOs could be a display, he continued, possibly an interactive AI, manipulating of the reactions of humanity, and almost mocking our own technology such as when craft have been observed flying along military jets. Corbell shared details of a series of "anomalous aerial vehicles" seen by the US military off the coast of California in 2004. Though the case has been surrounded by a "cone of silence," Korbell is seeking witnesses to the incidents. One pilot was said to engage with one of the craft, and it actively jammed his radar and weapons systems. The vehicles, some of which were oblong in shape, demonstrated the ability to fly from 80,000 ft. to 50 ft. above the water in a matter of seconds, he marveled.


"Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band" could be considered the most famous album by the most famous band in the history of rock 'n' roll. It became the soundtrack for the Summer of Love in 1967 with its music constantly flowing out of stereos and radios throughout the world. In the latter half, Beatles author and expert, Bruce Spizer talked about how the album reshaped the history of popular music with its progressive sounds. The LP, which was #1 on Billboard's charts for 15 weeks straight, became a unifying experience that was collectively shared by millions.

Sgt. Pepper as a "concept album" was also highly influential on the music industry which realized that a cohesively themed album could actually make more money than singles, Spizer recalled, as well as for musicians who saw greater possibilities for their art form. The boundary pushing sounds of the record, which included classics like "With a Little Help From My Friends" and "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" as well more experimental songs like "Within You Without You" and "A Day in the Life" was engineered by the brilliant George Martin. While the album elevated rock 'n' roll to an art form, it wasn't just "art for art's sake," but was highly listenable, Spizer opined. For the 50th anniversary, a new remix by Martin's son, Giles, which enhances some of the stereo effects, is being released later this month.

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