Alternative Health/ Search for ETs

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Alternative Health/ Search for ETs

About the show

In the first half, registered pharmacist, nutritionist and cosmetic chemist, Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts, and offered tips on supplements and healthy changes to one's diet and lifestyle. Regarding chemotherapy as a cancer treatment, it has the effect of shutting down the growth of cells. While this could be useful in stopping tumor growth, it also negatively impacts the skin, and immune and digestive systems, and these side effects increase the likelihood of further cancers and immune problems, he commented.

When fungus or yeast accumulates in the body, such as after the use of antibiotics, toenail fungus can represent the body's attempt to eliminate the fungus from a person's system, Fuchs suggested. The best way to deal with fungal infections, he continued, is to focus on digestive health, including eating fermented foods, and taking probiotics. He also addressed stomach problems, and recommended keeping a food diary, and trying intermittent fasting.


Pioneer, innovator, and adventurer, Jill Tarter, the project scientist for SETI, was the inspiration for the main character in Carl Sagan's Contact. Sarah Scoles, a former editor at Astronomy magazine, has recently written a biography of Tarter. In the second half, they discussed the perennial question - are we alone in the universe?, as well as the various programs of NASA and SETI, which are searching for evidence of life elsewhere in the cosmos. Tarter clarified that the title of SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) is a bit of a misnomer, as they are actually looking for evidence of another species' technology, rather than "intelligence" itself.

With new studies finding exoplanets in abundance, we can say with great certainty that there are more planets than stars in the Milky Way, Tarter noted. Accordingly, SETI has switched gears, she reported. Instead of looking at stars that were known to have planets, they are directing their telescopes to the nearest stars (which very likely have planets), and because of their proximity, fainter signals could be discovered. Should a signal be detected that indicates some form or artifact of extraterrestrial technology, SETI would seek independent confirmation, Tarter explained, adding that in the future the search could be expanded to include different types of informational signals that we can't currently recognize.

News segment guests: Jerome Corsi, Mish Shedlock

Bumper Music

Last Night

Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
Jane Durst-Pulkys, PhD, discussed the metabolic balance program, which aims to reset metabolism, reduce inflammation, and achieve optimal weight. Followed by paranormal investigator Anthony F. Sanchez who delved into UFO and paranormal phenomena, ghost hunter apps, and EVPs.


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