Dream Mapping / Whitey Bulger

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Dream Mapping / Whitey Bulger

About the show

In the first half, consultant and financial writer George Ure spoke about his most recent work exploring the realm of lucid dreams, and the recurring places that people visit during the dream state. Your life is enhanced when you can remember in your waking state what was going on in the dream world, he said, adding that he's had a series of precognitive dreams. His premonitory dreams included a vision of the Deepwater Horizon explosion, and a Melbourne, Australia bus accident. Often, he explained, dreams present pieces or coded visions of the future.

By "waking up" in lucid dreams, it's like having access to a whole field of mass consciousness that was previously hidden from you, he marveled. Speaking of some of the specific dream locations he's mapped out, Ure found himself frequently returning to "Arrival City," where people transition from being alive to the continuous dream state of death (some of his adventurous sci-fi dreams are documented here). He also offered post-election projections on the economy-- one possibility is a new stock market rally, but more likely we'll see a significant drop from the current market numbers.


When mobster Whitey Bulger was captured, books about the mob by journalist T.J. English were found on his bookshelf. In the latter half, English discussed the notorious mobster Bulger and how political exiles, corrupt cops, and hit-men became caught up in an American saga of desperation, murder, and empire building. Recently, Bulger was transferred to a penitentiary in West Virginia, where he was beaten to death by inmates-- his tongue was almost cut out, and his eyes were gouged-- a typical "message" that is sent out when someone snitches, as he'd served as an FBI informant.

The Boston-based Bulger was charged with 19 murders committed from the 1960s through the early 1980s (and found guilty of 11 of them). This era was so violent, English explained, not only because FBI agents were using gangsters as informants, but they were deliberately pitting mobsters against each other. No one other than FBI agent John Connolly was held legally responsible for these manipulations, he noted, as "Whitey Bulger was protected and enabled by the criminal justice system for 20 years."

News segment guests: Dr. Peter Breggin, Lauren Weinstein, Kerri Kasem - Panama City disaster relief efforts

Bumper Music

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