Team Psychology / Herbs & Health

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Team Psychology / Herbs & Health

About the show

In the first half, performance psychologist Dr. Saul Miller joined George Noory to discuss nine key characteristics of successful teams and how to improve personal, organizational, and team performance in each of these areas. The keys include leadership, talent, purpose, strategy, chemistry, and confidence. Chemistry refers to having the back of your teammates, and "one of my clients," he recalled, "described being traded from a team that was really struggling to a team that eventually won the cup." The client explained that when he "walked into the dressing room on that winning team, I could just feel the heartbeat, and I just picked it up." Concerning purpose, Miller suggested that a leader, whether in the boardroom or the locker room "has the ability to open a window in people's minds about what is possible. And if people get a sense that something extraordinary is possible, they are going to work harder to make it happen."

Leadership, he added, that provides encouragement, direction, and positive feedback, inspires team members to excel. He shared the three secrets behind a winning team espoused by legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi: players have to know their job, "the we has to bigger than the me," and teammates don't necessarily have to be friends, but they must show respect for one another. Miller also highlighted the value of living in the moment, and how the feeling of love is expansive and flowing, while the sense of fear makes people contract and close down.


In the latter half, author, columnist, and master herbalist Sara Chana talked about the importance of herbs and the role they can play in our daily lives for everyday ailments as well as emotional challenges. A lot of scientific research has been going on with herbal/botanical medicines, she reported, and definitive types of healing for different conditions has been demonstrated-- some of which is even trickling down to standard Western doctors. From the same plant, the root, bark, seeds, and flowers may offer a variety of healing actions for up to 4-15 different ailments, she noted. Chana revealed that herbal treatments are individualized for a given client, as what might work well for one person, may not for another.

Some herbs she classified as adaptogens (such as the berry schizandra), which can be used to maintain overall wellness and reduce stress, whereas other plant-based treatments she recommends for temporary or occasional ailments. One of her favorite herbs is skullcap (from the mint family), which calms and soothes without making a person sedated, and can take the edge off of agitation. Rose flowers in a tincture or tea are helpful for a broken heart or recovering from trauma, she stated, while milk thistle is known to support and help rebuild the liver. Bitters (such as dandelion leaf) are also helpful for the liver, and when eaten before a meal, can stimulate digestion, she continued. The formulation of Swedish bitters can be taken for this purpose as well, she added.

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