Sedona Mysteries / Animal Rights Activism

Hosted byGeorge Knapp

Sedona Mysteries / Animal Rights Activism

About the show

In a secluded valley near Sedona, AZ, strange events mysteriously began in 1992. Tom Dongo joined George Knapp in the first half for a revealing conversation about his time investigating the strange flying craft, unexplained light anomalies, and otherworldly beings he encountered in the area around this famous and picturesque destination. In 1989, Dongo arrived at the Bradshaw Ranch, which was a center of strange activity, and ended up spending three to four nights a week there for four years. Accompanied by the owner's wife Linda Bradshaw, Dongo said that they "experienced the most incredible stuff you could imagine," such as countless orbs of light and even what looked like a "portal" to some other world or dimension. Related images.

Linda was also convinced that there was a Bigfoot-type entity living on the property, which she called "Big Girl." Dongo observed direct evidence such as footprints, but never saw the creature himself. He recounted a frightening night when he experienced something that stayed out of their searchlights, but which "roared like an African lion" and left numerous footprints that he saw the next day. He also recalled hearing something hitting the side of a building with a 2x4. Dongo also mentioned many strange occurrences in a place called "Secret Canyon," such as military-type guards chasing witnesses away at gunpoint, and even a UFO sighting from 1921. He believes that he's been given "some really strange psychic and remote viewing abilities" due to his time at the ranch and in Sedona.


For almost four decades, Chris DeRose has been a leader in the animal rights movement. In 1984, he founded Last Chance for Animals (LCA), an international, nonprofit animal advocacy organization focused on investigating, exposing, and ending animal exploitation. In the second half, DeRose discussed how he investigated and finally busted some of the most heartless and corrupt pet-theft rings in the nation and what happens on the front lines of the fight on behalf of animals. On the heels of the deadly coronavirus outbreak, happening now in China, DeRose discussed the conditions for animals in that country and how domestic pets such as dogs and cats are boiled alive for food.

He recounted one of his earliest investigations and the eventual conviction of members of a pet theft ring in the San Fernando Valley, north of Los Angeles. A couple he was following looked for protection from the police and were told that if they were smuggling animals, that DeRose had a right follow them. He said that the people involved were eventually caught and sentenced to 14 years in state prison. Many who say they are adopting pets are simply reselling them to others or even worse, he said, to facilities that conduct medical experiments. He described breaking into a classroom of medical students instructed to dissect cats while they were still alive. DeRose suggested that people stop eating meat "if you care about your health or your environment, or animals."

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