Forbidden Archaeology / Shamanic Journeys

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Forbidden Archaeology / Shamanic Journeys

About the show

In the first half, researcher Michael Cremo reported on his continuing work in forbidden archaeology and human origins, including artifacts of far greater antiquity than accepted by conventional academia and science communities. He talked about the 'Knowledge Filtration' process, in which the theoretical preconceptions that scientists have influence the way they treat different types of evidence. In most cases, he continued, if the evidence doesn't conform to the dominant theory or paradigm, they simply filter out the new findings. He has found this to be the case with most of the discoveries of extreme antiquity of humans that he's documented. To explain such anomalies, Cremo has concluded there is a cyclical aspect of time (rather than a strictly linear view), which suggests that advanced human civilizations developed in the dim past, and were then wiped out and later re-emerged.

For Cremo, one of the most compelling finds was at the Red Crag formation in England, in which a modern human jawbone was discovered in the strata, which dates back some two million years. During the 1920s, the investigator, James Reid Moir also found stone tools and artifacts in Red Crag. Cremo talked about "archeo-astronomy"- how the ancients aligned structures with the stars. Related to this are impact craters in Australia (some of which are millions of years old). The Aboriginals near them have recorded lore describing a "star" falling down, which indicates people were observing these events many, many millennia ago, he remarked. Some museums like the Smithsonian do have anomalous objects in their collections, he believes, like California gold mine discoveries of human remnants in layers of rock millions of years old, though they suppress this information.


Author, editor, and shamanic explorer Matthew Pallamary has been searching the globe for answers on the truth about reality. In the latter half, he discussed his studies of shamanism and visionary experience and working with plant medicines like ayahuasca. Shamans have traditionally offered a bridge between the spirit and physical world, and could be considered the first doctors, healers, psychologists, and teachers, he noted. The root of the word shaman comes from Siberia, and refers to "one who knows." In South America, shamanic practices and working with plants have passed from generation to generation, literally back to prehistoric times, he cited. Pallamary also spoke of a method called "soul retrieval," working with such things as shamanism, visionary states, or hypnotherapy to regain parts of the self that may have broken off during trauma.

He detailed some of his transformative experiences taking ayahuasca, a psychoactive plant brew (that includes DMT) considered sacred by Amazon tribes. Over the last 20 years, he's traveled to South America to participate in ayahuasca rituals, in which he learned to confront his deepest fears or the "shadow" buried within him. Through this, he was able to access emotions that had become walled off from him after a tough upbringing in Massachusetts. Just one ounce of the brew creates an intense five-hour trip that can take you to either heaven or hell, he recounted, adding that the volatile substance is certainly not for everyone. Some people, he continued, have incredibly powerful or healing experiences on ayahuasca (such as reliving the birth trauma) that can rewire the brain in a positive way.

News segment guests: Howard Bloom, Cal Orey

Bumper Music

Last Night

Reagan & Nixon / Open Lines
Reagan & Nixon / Open Lines
Author and speechwriter Ken Khachigian discussed his days working with former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.


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