Empaths & Intuition / Forensic Investigations

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Empaths & Intuition / Forensic Investigations

About the show

Psychic psychiatrist, Dr. Judith Orloff, continues to unite science with the unexplained through such things as remote viewing and intuition. In the first half, she discussed how to identify if you're an empath - those who feel others' emotions, energy, and physical symptoms in their own bodies, and how to survive in these challenging times. Because empaths can be so sensitive, they need to ground themselves and learn how not to let in so much of the negativity and stress in the world, she said. When an empath goes on "sensory overload," they can become anxious or depressed, and in these instances, she suggested they go to a quiet place to recharge. Because empaths have the gift of sensitivity, she continued, they need to take care of their energy and not subject themselves to energy vampires.

She outlined three different types of empaths- those who are more attuned to emotions, those sensitive to the physical body, and those who can sense intuitive perceptions. Orloff noted that intuitive empaths can have extraordinary abilities like telepathy, or communication with animals and plants, and even with those who have passed over. She also touched on the opposite of empaths-- narcissists, who in full-blown form lack any empathic ability. For empaths having to deal with toxic or negative people, she advises them not to be a doormat, and practice limit setting, such as a specific amount of time they will speak with someone on the phone who monopolizes the conversation. To find out if you're an empath or have those tendencies, she offers this 20 Question Self-Assessment Test.


In the latter half, C2C's investigative reporter Cheryll Jones shared her interview with forensic scientist, inventor, and author Arthur Bohanan, delving into identifying bodies, techniques such as fingerprinting, and the world of forensics. He spoke about how he was one of the first people called into action for the forensics team to identify victims at Ground Zero at the World Trade Center just after 9-11. He described working amid the dust, debris, and rubble, and how body parts were being retrieved from these areas. They were specifically looking for tattoos to help identify the bodies, he revealed. Bohanan worked long shifts at the site for 13 days, and subsequently became ill with lung problems that trail him to this day.

He detailed how he created an innovative procedure and device to lift latent fingerprints using super glue to solve cases. The technique is still in use today and is especially helpful in difficult crime cases with children. Another device he developed, the "human remains locator," has been used to find over 3,000 lost graves in the last five years. The device is said to respond to magnetic energy left in the body after the decay process, and Bohanan told Cheryll he can often identify the gender and age of the remains through his readings. He is the author of such books as "Prints of a Man" and an ongoing historical novel series.

News segment guests: Christian Wilde, Charles R. Smith

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