Celebrity & the Paranormal

Hosted byGeorge Knapp

Celebrity & the Paranormal

About the show

George Knapp welcomed four well-known guests whose interest in the unknown and paranormal stems, in part, from their personal experiences. In hour one, Georges St-Pierre, the Canadian former UFC world champion, related his story of witnessing a large blue-green object that disappeared and reappeared as it moved it about in the sky above the car he shared with fellow fighters one night. He also considered the claims of those who say they were visited by aliens in their sleep, contrasting it with his own childhood bouts with sleep paralysis. St-Pierre also discussed the Canadian government's transparency regarding UAP versus that of the United States', arguing that officials like presidents and prime ministers are probably less knowledgeable about the phenomenon than their intelligence and defense agencies are.

TV producer and host Jack Osbourne, president of Osbourne Media, followed in the second hour. He traced his interest in the paranormal to his early obsession with The X-Files and Ufology. As children, Osbourne continued, he and his sister also heard unexplained sounds in their home, including phantom footsteps and doors being closed. On one occasion, at the family's beach house, Jack and his father, rock star Ozzy Osbourne, witnessed an unknown woman descend the stairway. Osbourne's "most poignant memory" working in television, he said, is of investigating Skinwalker Ranch, which coincided with symptoms that led to his being diagnosed with MS. Other strange incidents through his work include "intelligent communication" with paranormal entities, as well as encountering a hooded figure in his own bedroom.

Dave Foley, comedic actor in the television programs Kids in the Hall and NewsRadio, joined the show in the third hour to offer his perspective on belief in the unusual and mysterious. Although he has been skeptical of certain claims at different points in his life, he explained, documentaries like Out of the Blue and I Know What I Saw provided convincing evidence of UFO encounters. Foley shared that he and his longtime friend Joe Rogan have enjoyed many conversations about UFOs over the years, exploring numerous reports and theories together.

In the final hour, documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell kicked off his appearance by recounting the time he and Foley saw a very bright, pulsing light they believe to have been a UFO. Corbell then brought his insight to the latest news surrounding UAP, noting that "the tide has turned" in the public's acceptance of the phenomenon as valid. Referring to his role in the release of large collections of declassified government documents pertaining to UFOs, he asserted that "the next move is to make sure that this stuff is picked up, digested, and understood." Caution must be exercised in this effort, however: sources must be protected, information must be properly vetted, and findings must be presented to the public in the most effective way, said Corbell.


George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about the US Navy's UAP videos and the psychology of misinformation:

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