Otherworldly Communications / Battling Demons

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Otherworldly Communications / Battling Demons

About the show

Author and journalist Von Braschler is a writer on the subjects of time, human consciousness, and energy healing. In the first half, he discussed his latest work on spirit communication and the various vehicles for connecting with the spirit realm, including the rich history of ghostly phone calls, dating back to the first introduction of the telephone. He previously studied the power of thought or thought-forms (such as those created in prayer), and then became interested in examples of people receiving unusual or spectral communications, hearing things but sometimes not through their physical ears. Otherworldly transmissions can come to us not only from deceased spirits, but also from the angelic realm or even from people at a different point in the timeline, past or future, he reported.

A lot of strange signals from beyond seem to come through electric sources. There were cases of people getting calls on disconnected phones, as well as messages coming through from a downed telegraph line. He recounted an instance when the three surviving Beatles were recording the song "Free as a Bird" and felt the presence of John Lennon around them. After listening to the song, they heard what sounded like his voice say, "Good on you, boys" coming out of a speaker, but when they examined the speaker, they discovered it wasn't plugged in. Braschler suggested that the common denominator in these unexplained communications is electromagnetic energy, which may be what houses thought projection.


In the latter half, paranormal consultant June Lundgren talked about her work communicating with and removing negative entities, including demons. Demons used to be white light angelic beings until they went up against God, which started the war in heaven, she explained. According to Lundgren, God told the demons that "you will never be able to take on physical form, but you can't live among us. So he opened the rift into a dark realm and put them in there, and they've been there ever since." There are several categories of dark beings, she said. The older demons are much smarter and more powerful than the lesser demons, who are more likely to interact with the physical world and cause chaos. Below them are the minions-- "creepy-crawly" types like Shadow People, and the harpies, who are winged creatures.

True demons are similar in appearance to the archangels-- about seven feet tall but ebony black, and they have almost non-existent facial features, she detailed, adding that older demons have golden eyes, and lesser demons and the minions have red eyes. People can be susceptible to possession (typically by lesser demons) when they have suffered from trauma, have substance abuse issues, or are easily influenced, she noted, and they are often not aware when they are under a demon's sway. To rid people of demons, she works with the archangel Ariel who comes through her (people say that they see wings emerge out of Lundgren's shoulders and her eyes turn white). Lundgren says that Ariel creates a white light sword to battle the demons, and "when she kills them...I can see their molecules spread among the stars, and they cease to exist."

News segment guests: Steve Gregory, John M. Curtis, Catherine Austin Fitts

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