The Great Pyramid / Benefits of Plants & Herbs

Hosted byGeorge Noory

The Great Pyramid / Benefits of Plants & Herbs

About the show

Scott Creighton is an engineer whose extensive travels allow him to explore ancient sacred sites. In the first half, he discussed why he believes the Great Pyramid at Giza was built as an indestructible "recovery vault" or ark to help Egyptian civilization rebuild after an anticipated cataclysm some 12,000 years ago. The disaster was part of a reoccurring cycle of deluges on the planet, he suggested, and was first warned about 300 years in advance in the Coptic-Egyptian legend of Saurid. The legend also spoke of the stars changing position, indicating an ancient pole shift. "In antiquity, the world was upside down," he remarked.

The location of the Giza pyramids and the Sphinx may have reflected this different position of the stars, he continued, with the sun rising and setting in the opposite direction. Creighton noted there is a massive void inside the Great Pyramid as large as the Grand Gallery. "It was the engine room of this whole recovery system," he explained. Col. Richard Howard Vyse went to Giza in 1837 and blasted his way into the King's Chamber and found smaller chambers. He saw the name of Khufu painted on a wall and declared that Khufu had constructed the pyramids. Yet, Creighton believes the painted marks were fake or forged, and the Great Pyramid is far older than Khufu's reign.


In the latter half, master herbalist and homeopath Sara Chana talked about the role plants and herbs have on our health, and how having them around improves mood, stress levels, and depression-- and helps people feel secure and relaxed. For example, mugwort tea, she said, can help a person figure out what to do in life to allow their soul to actualize and flourish. What's great about herbs, she noted, is that they're inexpensive, easy to use, and non-addictive. Her clients often come to her when conventional medicine doesn't work for them for such conditions as sinus infections, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

The lotus plant has very spiritual qualities, Chana reported. The blue lotus flower helps expand awareness, while the white flower increases peace and tranquility, and the red flower is best for love and compassion. Mistletoe is actually a kind of plant parasite, and it got its unique reputation for good luck and romance because it stays green even in the winter. One of Chana's favorite herbs is cleavers which grows in the spring, and is great for the lymphatic system and fending off colds. Plantain tea or oil is an excellent remedy for wounds, indigestion, and colds, she added. The myrtle plant is said to bring good luck, health, and prosperity and was even placed in people's coffins to ensure a good experience in the next world, she continued.

During the last half-hour, a replay of the 'Haunted Housewives' from 2/1/19 was featured.

News segment guests: Christian Wilde, Kevin Randle

Bumper Music