CRISPR Technology Dangers / Thinning of the Veil

Hosted byGeorge Noory

CRISPR Technology Dangers / Thinning of the Veil

About the show

In the first half, spokesperson on the health dangers of genetically modified foods, Jeffrey M. Smith, discussed how manipulation of DNA is now so cheap and accessible that we've handed the keys to the Kingdoms— animal, plant, and microbe—to anyone with CRISPR gene editing gear. If allowed to happen, this wide-open access to CRISPR could overwhelm our food supply with GMOs, as well as create havoc with nature and insects. The Department of Homeland Security, and other government agencies agree that this technology has outpaced regulation and that anyone could accidentally or on purpose create genetically engineered microbes that could have disastrous consequences, Smith continued. Microbes are particularly dangerous because they can travel and mutate, he noted.

A genetically engineered microbe designed to turn plants into alcohol, if it had been released as planned, could have theoretically ended terrestrial plant life, he further warned (more on this in his short film: Don't Let the Gene Out of the Bottle). Regarding GMO foods, Smith said sweet corn was especially hazardous, as it's designed to withstand Roundup and has a built-in insecticide that's produced in every cell. When it was fed to rats in experiments over two years, they developed multiple tumors, he reported. Smith was also critical of the artificial sweetener aspartame, which was developed with genetically engineered bacteria as part of its process. The sweetener is found in about 6,000 products, and many have reported adverse health consequences after consuming it, he said. In India, the pending introduction of genetically engineered mustard has caused a hundred medical doctors to call for its halt, Smith added.


In the latter half, medium Susanne Wilson talked about how the veil between worlds is becoming much thinner as we enter into 2023, and she believes the new year will be significantly more paranormally active. The veil could be considered the curtain or boundary between the seen and unseen worlds. Over the last few months, she has found within her own practice and students, as well as among her colleagues, and podcasters in the paranormal field, that there has been a remarkable increase in reported hauntings, intuition, contact from loved ones in spirit and/or extraterrestrial beings, and people announcing newly developing psychic abilities such as psychokinesis.

The veil, she further explained, helps to facilitate learning life's lessons, in that it allows us to forget our previous lives when we are born in this incarnation. The extremes of emotion people have been going through during the pandemic years have interacted somehow with the Earth's magnetic fields, which has worked to thin the veil between the two sides, she postulated. Portals have been opening with more frequency, Wilson continued. Rather than an opening for evil, she sees them as doorways for communication with departed loved ones, and they could be located within our homes, such as in the kitchen. During the last hour, she gave readings to callers.

News segment guests: Christian Wilde, Kevin Randle

Bumper Music

Last Night

Spiritual Connections / Demonic Forces
Spiritual Connections / Demonic Forces
Energy healer and physician Dr. Sharon Martin shared insights on self-care and spiritual connection. Followed by exorcist and spiritual deliverance minister Bill Bean on his harrowing journey with demonic forces.


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