Anti-Aging Research

Hosted byIan Punnett

Anti-Aging Research

About the show

Dr. Bart Kosko is a bestselling author and professor of electrical and computer engineering, and law, at the University of Southern California. He joined host Ian Punnett (Twitter) to discuss how Wired magazine just declared that anti-aging research in 2023 could "kickstart the greatest revolution in medicine since the discovery of antibiotics." This is making some experts worry that elderly billionaires could become immortal someday using advanced secret technology, allowing their wealth to compound forever and cause a major distortion between the haves and have nots.

"Immortal, of course, is unattainable in a universe of entropy — eventually, everything dies, but that 'eventually' can be a very, very long time," Kosko explained, noting the current human lifespan seems to be capped at around 120 years. Should technology be developed which is used exclusively by the ultra-wealthy to extend their lives to 120 years or beyond, then a self-inheritance tax based on lifespan would need to be considered in order to limit the effects of compounding individual wealth over decades and, potentially, centuries, he suggested.

Death does not necessarily have to be permanent, Kosko continued, comparing it to an engineering problem we are likely to solve. The crudest way to extend one's life today is to chronically preserve the brain at death and wait for medical technology to advance to the point that a future restoration is possible, he revealed. "The information that makes you you is in your synapses in your brain," Kosko added. Another frontier in anti-aging research involves knocking out senescent cells or "zombie cells" with drugs called senolytics. This would in theory dramatically slow aging, he reported.

Kosko theorized if you wiped out all cancers, the average lifespan of humanity might only increase by two or three years. In his opinion, fixing a deteriorating cardiovascular system could lead to much increased lifespans. Gene therapy or replacement, for example, could allow for one's aged heart to be replaced with a perfect genetic version. If you can replace your parts, especially those related to the cardiovascular system, humans could live well beyond 120, he speculated. Kosko also spoke about creating digital versions of people using generative models which could recreate a simulation of deceased loved ones.

Numerology of British Royal Family

In the first hour, numerologist Glynis McCants (877-686-2373) provided her numerological insights on the late Princess Diana, her sons, and other members of the British Royal Family. McCants explained how one's name and birthdate provide a total of six numbers which tell you a story about the person. Each person's numbers can be compared to determine compatibility and challenges, she noted.

"When Meghan Markle and Prince Harry got together I could see where they were compatible, but I also saw their challenges... the concern I had was Kate Middleton and Meghan," McCants said, pointing out the two women had four out of six challenge numbers which means they are prone to misunderstanding one another. "That's where the poison began" for the two brothers, she suggested.

McCants reported on the energy of the day Diana was killed. "For Lady Diana that day was not in alignment with her," she disclosed, adding her numbers with boyfriend Dodi Al Fayed were toxic. Regarding the crash that reportedly killed her, McCants thinks there is more to the story and it will one day be revealed.

McCants is offering an online numerology workshop called How to Get the Most Out of 2023 Through the Power of Numerology. Those who sign up by 1/18/2023 will receive a FREE 2023 PDF Numerology Calendar.

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