2023 Numerology / Atlantis & UFOs

Hosted byGeorge Noory

2023 Numerology / Atlantis & UFOs

About the show

In the first half, numerologist Glynis McCants (877-686-2373) spoke about why there has been a major uptick of out-of-control weather so far in 2023, as well as what the numbers say about the year in store for world leaders and us. 2023 ( 2+0+2+3=7) breaks down to a "7," and a big part of the "7" vibration relates to nature, and it can be very extreme, she stated. There have been many examples of this in just the first two months of the year, including the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, and snow in areas where it almost never snows. "7" also carries a vibration that is tied to water, and the shadow side to that can be flooding, she noted. Severe flooding has occurred in New Zealand with January being their wettest month in over 170 years. Additionally, there has been significant flooding and landslides throughout California, and in January, 90% of California had flood watch warnings.

In contrast to 2022, she foresees 2023 getting better as the year progresses, after a tough start. The month of March, which we just entered, has a "3" energy that can signal a time to move ahead and have some fun, she shared. Discussing various politicians and world leaders, she said that Vladimir Putin might have serious health issues, and is in a personal year of "6," which could be especially challenging for him. Pres. Biden is in a personal year of "2" and is a "2" lifepath, which suggests that if he believes he's up for the task, he'll run for re-election. Regarding Prince Harry, his numbers indicate that he may end up apologizing for some of his earlier revelations. Glynis also presented two affirmations, including one for prosperity: "I am blessed with infinite abundance and my needs are always met."


Author, journalist, and photographer Will Hart has been searching for how life originated on Earth and has linked the amazing discoveries of space research and modern UFO phenomena to the anomalies of ancient artifacts and literature. In the latter half, he talked about UFO sightings as well as the evidence for Atlantis and its survivors. Regarding UAP sightings by pilots and military personnel, their testimony suggests what they saw utterly blew their minds, and the physics-defying aspects of the craft, like sudden appearances and disappearances, indicate they may be interdimensional in nature, Hart said.

The current sightings and their anomalies relate to some of the ancient mysteries, he continued, such as the Longyou Caves in China-- one of them had 500 million tons of rock removed to create the cave, yet the rock was nowhere to be found. Hart agrees with Plato's location for Atlantis-- off the coast of Spain and North Africa. The civilization of Atlantis existed on several islands in that area, Hart has concluded, and descendants from there can be found among the Berbers in North Africa, and in the Canary islands, with some eventually migrating to Ireland. "Their genetics are different-- most of them are Type 0 negative, which is a very rare blood type that didn't exist...until Europeans started colonizing," he asserted.

News segment guests: Howard Bloom, Mish Shedlock

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