Shamanism & Death / Ouija & Channeling

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Shamanism & Death / Ouija & Channeling

About the show

Author, editor, and shamanic explorer Matthew Pallamary has been searching the globe for answers to the truth about reality. In the first half, he discussed his visionary experiences, shamanism, and writing, as well as his work on attitudes about death. His book "Death: A Love Story," was published at the outbreak of the pandemic, and is written in the 'first person' as Death itself as a character. "If you want to know the truth, I'm not your death, but you are mine," he writes as Death. Death is everywhere and a part of nature, and in a way, we begin dying the moment we are born, he stated. "Death is bigger than all of us, and it has to do with acceptance," he added.

Pallamary talked about his latest book of short stories in the horror/science-fiction genre, one of which is about legendary author Ray Bradbury and alien mushrooms. On the topic of shamanism, he said it deals more with a person's direct experience of learning about themselves rather than what someone tells you to believe, and that all religions have their roots in shamanic ideas. Shamanism deeply explores "radical subjectivity," and some of people's intense visions can put their everyday problems in perspective. He also touched on ayahuasca experiences and how people often have similar visions of landscapes and archetypal symbols like jaguars and condors when they drink the psychedelic brew.


Author and Ouija board expert Karen A. Dahlman discussed her latest work with Ouija, channeling, and animal communication. She shared details about her new illustrated children's book "When Cats Had Wings," which was actually channeled to her by her cat, Jack. Through telepathy, Jack communicated about the unconditional love bond between felines and humans, as well as a mythic time when there were angelic cats that could fly. The process of channeling, she explained, is related to gut feelings, inspiration, and intuition. "We are constantly channeling that inner self, our greater self," but in a mystical sense, it's really about tapping into energies outside our personal awareness," she continued.

We can consider the Ouija board as a tool for channeling, and there is nothing inherently sinister about it, she remarked. The board became a visual, tangible way for her to tap into her channeling abilities, and as time progressed, she started encountering beings of higher and higher consciousness, as she raised her own frequency. The guides she communicates with are a group of light beings who are an aspect of "source" or "all that is," and they don't need to be born in a physical body and go through the karmic wheel of birth and death. "They come here to teach us about our own divinity within," Dahlman revealed.


The first Sunday of every month, George Noory presents emerging artists for some of our bumper music selections. Tonight, we'll hear from Brett ShadySolsetSpace Tiger SamuraiNeverwonderManzilBrian David Collins, and Secret Enterprise. For more info on how to submit your own original music, visit this page.

News segment guests: Charles R. Smith, Sandra Champlain

Bumper Music

Last Night

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Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
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