CIA Agent in Afghanistan / 'Walk-in' Souls

Hosted byGeorge Knapp

CIA Agent in Afghanistan / 'Walk-in' Souls

About the show

Just after 9-11, Douglas Laux joined the CIA and was stationed in Afghanistan. He dressed like a native, mastered the local dialect, and developed sources within several deadly terrorist networks. In the first half, he joined George Knapp to discuss his experiences working for the agency and living in Afghanistan. Laux said that during the application process, a psychiatrist identified his unique combination of compassion and aggression as a strength that would work well for the CIA. After being hired, Laux immediately had to come up with a cover story about why he was moving to the East Coast for training, as he wasn't allowed to tell friends and family that he was working for the secretive organization. People have misconceptions about CIA operatives-- they're not all super spies like in Hollywood movies, he explained, noting there are actually 30-50 different types of positions within the agency, and many of them are analysts and foreign language experts. 

Angry about the September 11th attacks, Laux volunteered to go to Afghanistan. What he discovered once there was that the US was engaged in a war with the Taliban, not al-Qaeda, who had claimed responsibility for the 9-11 attacks (and were mostly in Pakistan). Laux said he learned to speak Pashto, the language of the Taliban, rather than Arabic. "I honor my time there. And I'm...grateful that I got the opportunity to serve my country like I did. Nonetheless, mistakes were made by people outside of the CIA, who have a lot of control...and get to pull the levers and twist the wires. And you know, I didn't agree with probably half the stuff I was ordered to do," he revealed. In retrospect, looking back on his time in Afghanistan, ten years on, he wondered what was accomplished there and what did it solve?


Have you ever felt like you don't belong? Do you feel like you woke up a different person, and all of a sudden feel like you have a "mission?" You might be a "walk-in" like Sheila Seppi. In the latter half, she shared the backstory of walk-ins, souls that have agreed to exchange places with a soul that is currently inhabiting a body. After her walk-in occurred in 1999, her body was healed from several medical disorders, and she took on a new personality. Three months later, she left her husband, relocated to a different state, and began her integration process as a walk-in with the guidance of her spiritual teacher, who led her on a shamanic path. Seppi believes her illnesses went away because they were no longer a vibrational match for the new soul in her body.

In the case of her "walk-in," she determined it was ordained as a pre-birth plan from her original soul that sought an early exit from this plane. What she learned from her guides (or the "Collective") is that there is a master oversoul where all of the souls come from, and "as we have continued on our journey, we have multiple forms lifetime after lifetime, whether it's on this planet, other planets, other dimensions, [or] other densities." Many souls have been called to Earth by the "Gaia consciousness" in recent years, she said, as part of a restoration process for the planet and to help people remember who they are at a soul level. There are about 22 different galactic races that contribute to the human gene pool, she stated, and people may experience cellular ET memories, like being an Arcturian, for instance.


George Knapp shared recent items of interest, including articles about why UFO sightings happen near nuclear sites, and how pseudogravity was created in a lab:

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