Haunted Dolls / The Spirit World

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Haunted Dolls / The Spirit World

About the show

In the first half, podcast host, writer, and paranormal expert Joshua P. Warren discussed his research into haunted dolls and other strange phenomena. One such doll is known as 'Kennedy' (view a close-up photo), a kind of ventriloquist doll with an eerie appearance and mischievous grin. The doll had originally been sent to C2C producer Tom and then given to Joshua after Tom began to hear weird noises in his home, like a bowling ball being rolled around. Tom also said that a ceramic dish flew off the wall at one point, and his security camera captured a dark, misty form moving up and down the staircase. Warren said he'd heard reports over the years from reputable witnesses of dolls moving on their own, as if something was animating them. According to the legend of Robert the Haunted Doll, he was said to be imbued with part of a family member's spirit. 

On a recent night, Warren said he was awakened when something pulled the covers off him. He had a video surveillance camera set up on Kennedy, and there is a timestamp of when he felt the disturbance in his bed. The video shows a meter next to the doll that starts squealing, "which means there's some type of a strange electromagnetic force or electromagnetic field. And...there are these two translucent balls of light that just shoot right past him and over toward the door," he marveled. "And what's funny is that I have no other clip that shows anything like that," and though Kennedy was not recorded moving, "it takes some kind of a physical presence to even trigger the motion sensitive camera." It seems like he has some sort of spiritual presence around him that is able to travel, Warren posited. For more on Kennedy, listen to his special podcast episode. 


A professional spiritual medium, Carole J. Obley has communicated with souls who have crossed into the spirit realm via thousands of private and group sessions. In the latter half, she shared metaphysical perspectives of life from the spirit world. The spirit world has a higher vibration than our existence in the denser physical plane, she noted. In the spirit dimension, when you think about something, it's instantly manifested, whereas here we have the element of time, Obley continued. When we die and enter the afterlife, "it's very much like when we awaken from having a dream. When we're in a dream, it's very real... we really don't realize that we're dreaming, and it's that way with life as well. We look back on it [from the spirit realm]...and it seems unreal. There's sort of this awakening that takes place," she explained.

There are helping guides or spirits who assist people when they first cross over-- "they help in the process of adjustment to going back home, because that really is our natural home," she said. Sometimes, when people have unfinished business, they linger on the Earth plane after they die. She described one incident in an antique store where she saw a man's spirit sitting next to a cubicle, as he was so attached to his former possessions he didn't want to let go. Regarding reincarnation, Obley began to receive information about clients' past lives in readings she gave 30 years ago when she saw specific scenes that arose over their right shoulder and realized they were from their previous existences. During the last hour, she offered readings to callers.

News segment guests: Howard Bloom, Mish Shedlock

Bumper Music

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