Green Energy Breakdown / Animal Communications

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Green Energy Breakdown / Animal Communications

About the show

In the first half, speaker, author, and researcher on environmental issues and a former engineer, Steve Goreham, discussed the latest in climate and sustainability issues, as well as developments in the fight against mandatory electric vehicles (EVs) and the vast subsidies needed to maintain green energy. States like California require all new cars sold in 2035 and beyond to be zero-emission vehicles like EVs and hybrids. Goreham noted that Americans don't like being told what to do and that while EV purchases have reached about 8% of the market, sales seem to be slowing down beyond the early adopters, and problems are rising. He cited more expensive insurance costs for EVs due to the expense of repairing a damaged vehicle, as well as difficulties charging the vehicles in cold weather. 

As the world tries to reduce carbon emissions by replacing coal, oil, and natural gas with wind, solar, and biofuels, he foresees a "green breakdown." According to Goreham, this breakdown will include higher electricity prices, dangerous blackouts and outages, and reduced choices and freedom for the populace. As this happens, "people are going to demand to return to low-cost, reliable energy," he commented. There have been problems with offshore wind efforts on the East Coast, he continued, and half of the companies involved have pulled out after the rise in interest rates. In Germany, Siemens' wind business just received $10 billion from the German government as a bailout because they couldn't make money, he added. Further, Goreham contends that it's a huge misconception that human-related emissions of CO2 are controlling global temperatures as compared to the overall effects of nature. 


Intuitive healer and medium Susan Allen connects with all life and all souls, including animals, at their soul level and has been communicating with animals, both live and deceased, on a deep soul level since childhood. In the latter half, she spoke about her process, the healing nature of animals, and their purpose here in the world. She detailed how she conducts her online animal readings-- sometimes the clients' pets will sit on their laps so she can see them, but typically, she just needs to look at a photo of the animal to make a connection. Allen shared an intriguing client story regarding wildlife communication. A farmer called her to complain that gophers were eating all her organic food, and she wanted Allen to get them to stop doing that. Allen zeroed in on a gopher, and the creature revealed that it was deer that were munching the farmer's food not them. The farmer admitted that there were deer tracks in the area.

Regarding our deceased pets, she shared that these animals are being cared for in heaven, often by one of our loved ones on the Other Side. Animals serve as healers in our lives, and they are part of the angelic realm, reincarnating as, say, a dog to demonstrate pure love, she explained. In one reading Allen did of a neighbor's dog, the canine disclosed to her that in a previous life, he was the neighbor's father. While Allen found this odd, the neighbor accepted it, as this jibed with her Buddhist religion. Recently, Allen discovered that she can also communicate with trees-- she heard one "screaming" when workers were trimming its branches in the backyard. During the last hour, she gave readings for callers communicating with both deceased pets and departed loved ones.

News segment guests: Lauren Weinstein, Steve Kates

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