Economy & Debt / Afterlife Revelations

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Economy & Debt / Afterlife Revelations

About the show

First Half: Financial consultant Harry S. Dent, Jr. has been reporting on how we have been in the midst of an ‘everything bubble’ globally, and how it would burst eventually burst. He joined George to discuss how private sector debt is more out of control and much larger than government debt and what that means for the future. He also expressed optimism that after the debt crisis, there could be another boom led by the Millennial generation. He explained how, after quitting his major in economics, he came to understand that "people drive our economy." He said while most folks think it's about government policies, those policies take so long to change they "don't matter as much as people think." "What matters is people entering the workforce... then they earn and spend money into age 46, peak... this is as predictable as the sun coming up. And economists don't study this. They don't study people."

He explained that he has carefully "studied the consumer life cycle from cradle to grave," and noted how he used these insights to drive growth for his own small business clients who were dealing with a new spending force in the 1980s - the Baby Boomers. He explained that the size of that demographic led him to predict huge booms, and eventual busts, in business over a 25 year cycle. He also explained how Millennials "should be kicking in and starting their rise, particularly into 2037," but that we aren't seeing it because the massive debts of previous generations were never restructured. While there are still opportunities for the younger generations, he said, the country needs to do something about the debt issue - and not just the national debt, but corporate debt. "We're going to rob the Millennials of their boom, from 2024 to 2037, if we don't (do something about corporate debt). We have record levels of zombie companies who are barely alive only by... (maintaining) record levels of debt."


Second Half: Spiritual author Rainey Highley had a deal with her mother – when she passed away, she needed to come back and speak with Rainey about what the experience was like. She talked with George about conversations she has had with her now-deceased Mom, and what she’s learned from them. During those conversations her mother has revealed details to her about death and dying, the afterlife, and the reason for human suffering, among other revelations. She said one of the most surprising things for her, initially, was that while the process of dying seemed horrible from her point of view, her mother told her it was actually “an enjoyable, pleasurable experience… that to me was so shocking.”

She said she heard her mother’s voice as clearly as if she were still in the room, shortly after returning home from the hospital, but that she wasn’t sure if anyone else would have heard it if she hadn’t been alone. After that initial contact she said she heard her mother’s voice in her head, and wrote down everything she told her for the next several hours; forming the outline of her new book. She said she still communicates with her mother, who has indicated she will stick around in a guide or guardian angel role for the family until her children and grandchildren have joined her. Among the things her mother shared with her was that the only Hell is what Hell and evil we experience here on Earth, and that when you are gone “the only thing that will matter will be the relationships that you had with other people.” She also explained that souls can choose when to be reincarnated, but told listeners they don’t necessarily get a choice in where they are going to be reincarnated, and that when they do they pass through a sort of veil that wipes their memory.


News Segment Guests: Christian Wilde / Kevin Randle

Bumper Music

Last Night

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