Grieving & Loss / ET Experiences

Hosted byConnie Willis

Grieving & Loss / ET Experiences

About the show

David Kessler is one of the world’s foremost experts on grief and loss. His experience with thousands of people on the edge of life and death has taught him the secrets to living a happy and fulfilled life, even after life’s tragedies. He joined guest host Connie Willis (info) to discuss the best and worst practices in handling grief and loss. "I don't give death any more power than it has," Kessler said, noting that one thing every person has in common is that they will someday die. "(Death) has power to physically end a life, but not our love and not our relationships," he continued, explaining that what we call death here is simply birth into a new experience. He noted deathbed experiences of those who have seen lost loved ones who went before as one bit of anecdotal evidence for this continuation of life after death.

He discussed how the death of his mother when he was a young teen put him on the path of becoming a death and grief counselor. He described a fire that occurred at the hotel where they were staying, just before his mother passed as a pivotal moment. "I saw hotel guests, people being killed. Police officers. Then... my mother died a couple of days later, and it wasn't just grief, and it wasn't just trauma. It was traumatic grief." He said he grew up thinking he was "damaged and broken" until he went on to college and took a class about death, where he learned about the stages of grief. "I'm like, 'Oh my God! There's a language for this. There's a way to talk about this. And it gave me hope." He said he now tries to spread that hope in his seminars and presentations, and that hotel and venue staff are often astounded to find out his sessions are about grief because of the steady laughing they hear from inside the room. "When someone dies, your bandwidth for pain has been stretched," he explained. "The people in those rooms laugh a little harder. They went a little deeper, because you've got a deeper bandwidth. You've got a deeper frequency. After you've gone through some of those dark nights, you've got x-ray vision for compassion and empathy."


Nancy Thames is a former Department of Defense employee and a lifelong contactee of inter-dimensional extraterrestrial beings who has emerged as a significant voice in the realm of alien disclosure and spiritual awakening. In the latter half, she revealed her personal experiences and discussed news stories related to extraterrestrial contact. Thames described herself as "a lifelong contactee," which she said, "means all through my life, I've had face-to-face, physical visitations and experiences with positive extraterrestrials and interdimensional beings." She said while it could be a little scary at first, "it was just me getting used to the idea of an acceptance of it all."

She said it was easier for her as a contactee than it can be for abductees. She has had abduction-type experiences as well, or what she called a "pretend abduction" by a group of military personnel working with the Greys. "I have this ability where I can sense right before I'm going to have a visitation," Thames explained. She said she was getting that feeling, but instead of the three Greys who typically come for her, "this was totally different," she said. She said her memories of the event were more fragmented than normal, and there were humans on the craft, as well as Greys. She remembered hearing someone say to take her back, "and the next thing I knew, they were scuffling me off. Then the next thing, I was waking up in my old bed going, 'What in the world was this?'" She said she believed that was "kind of a pretend abduction that was done by the military and some Greys." The reason, she said, was probably "research for them... because they knew that I'm a contactee," and they were either curious or because her remote location at the time of the event made her a convenient subject. She said she also believes the faux abductions are a convenient way for the government to perform their own genetic testing. But, she said, abduction as a whole is an aberration, and is an example of non-human intelligences "overstepping" and breaking "cosmic law." The same law, she said, keeps alien intelligences from stepping in and "fixing" our problems. "We're here on free will, and there's certain things that we have to make mistakes to learn... it's like going to school. We're in a school, and we're having experiences while we're here, and they cannot interfere because we'll not learn from our mistakes. We'll not have any spiritual or intellectual growth if they fixed it all for us."

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