Wetiko Mind Virus / Astrology Insights

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Wetiko Mind Virus / Astrology Insights

About the show

Pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence, Paul Levy has been a Tibetan Buddhist practitioner for more than 35 years. In the first half, he discussed the Native American idea of the wetiko mind virus, which he says has infected much of the population and has been characterized by concepts like egregores, demons, and psychic vampires. In 1981, he had a spiritual emergence, in which he was initially hospitalized for mental illness but was able to extricate himself from the medical system, and eventually began teaching people about what he had learned about wetiko, which he considers a collective mind psychosis. In a way, we entrance ourselves via our own projections and become hypnotized by them, and to that extent, we're not conscious of our creative power, he explained.

Levy believes that insights from quantum physics that confirm the dreamlike nature of reality can act as a kind of antidote to the mind virus. "We're influencing the universe that we're observing, which is to say that the act of observation is creative, that we have this unimaginably vast creative power," he commented. "We are...unknowingly via the act of interpreting our experience, moment by moment...we're playing a role in creating it, and that dissolves the mind virus because, all of a sudden, then there's nothing out there. It's all just our own energy," he added.


Constance Stellas is an astrologer of Greek heritage based in New York City with over twenty-five years of experience. In the latter half, she shared her insights on the practice of astrology, and detailed some of the major transits coming that will affect the world. The planet Pluto recently returned to its position on the astrological chart of when the United States was born. "The last time Pluto was in that sign, which is Capricorn then moving to Aquarius, was the French Revolution. So historically speaking, the Pluto return has ignited and uncovered the power that has been misused and should be better used in the future," she said, adding that we are still in the uncovering stage.  

Regarding the current conflicts in Israel and Ukraine, she does not see them escalating into a WWIII. She does see a tenuous situation with these conflicts continuing for two more years, and then as we move towards 2026 and beyond, the planet will have other predicaments possibly related to extreme weather. Stellas talked about the influence of the moon on our lives, and how it changes signs every 2½ days and can relate to our emotional feeling and energy. Astrology dates back millennia, and in ancient times, it was connected to medicine-- "all physicians were also skilled in astrology," she revealed. During the last hour, she gave readings for callers, in some cases connecting specific health issues with their signs.

News segment guests: Christian Wilde, Kevin Randle

Bumper Music

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