Horror, Sci-Fi, & Technology / Open Lines

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Horror, Sci-Fi, & Technology / Open Lines

About the show

Producer and host Mr. Lobo presided over the nationally syndicated late-night TV show Cinema Insomnia for over 16 years, which has been seen in hundreds of television and cable markets. He'll discuss horror and sci-fi films and how technology, AI, and social media are evolving with the state of cinema and visual media. Followed by Open Lines in the latter half.

Last Night

True Crime Cases / Emergency Room Spirits
True Crime Cases / Emergency Room Spirits
Journalist Steve Fishman talked about his podcast The Burden, a series that covers the story of crooked cop Louis Scarcella. Followed by Dr. Jeff O'Driscoll, who shared his observations of souls leaving their bodies in the ER.


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