Kenneth Arnold & Flying Saucers / Military & Bigfoot

Hosted byConnie Willis

Kenneth Arnold & Flying Saucers / Military & Bigfoot

About the show

First Half: Jason Mattson is the Executive Director of the Lewis County Historical Museum in Chehalis, WA. There he helps to preserve and share the unique, interesting, and sometimes strange history of Lewis County. He joins Connie Willis (info)  to discuss the history of how the flying saucer was first pegged with the Kenneth Arnold sighting in Chehalis, Washington on June 24th,1947.

Second Half: Henry Franzoni is an expert on Sasquatch and was once on the Board of Advisors of Peter Byrne’s Bigfoot Research Project where they spent somewhere near $5 million investigating Bigfoot. In 1993 he created the first Bigfoot website on the web and created the first online Bigfoot discussion group. He'll reveal why he has held onto a 22-year-old secret until recently and is now disclosing his knowledge of the connection between the military and Bigfoot.

From 6-10pm PT, Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returns to 7/4/02 for a discussion about Spontaneous Human Involuntary Invisibility, where people suddenly find themselves invisible.