Abduction Readings / Open Lines

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Abduction Readings / Open Lines

About the show

Mark Anthony, the "Psychic Lawyer," is a psychic medium who specializes in communication with spirits. He discussed the readings he's conducted of people who claim to have been abducted by aliens and the reasons why certain people are targeted for abduction and others are not.

Anthony recounted the story of Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson, who claimed to have been abducted by aliens while fishing near Pascagoula, Mississippi, in October 1973. According to Parker, they were paralyzed by a light from a metallic, football-shaped object, and then taken aboard by robotic entities. While on the ship, Parker described being injected with something and examined by what he perceived as a beautiful woman with reptilian-like fingers. Medical examinations later showed puncture wounds on their bodies which corroborated their story, Anthony reported. He emphasized that Parker and Hickson consistently passed lie detector tests and other interrogations, reinforcing their credibility.

Anthony discussed a gallery event in Denver where he connected with a young man who had repeatedly been abducted by aliens. During a reading, Anthony received a message from the man's deceased grandfather indicating that the aliens were interested in how he metabolized protein. This detail matched findings from other abductees who experienced a craving for protein and salt post-abduction, he explained. Anthony linked this to research suggesting that aliens might use extracted human protein as nourishment or for other purposes, such as cloning.

He also shared insights related to the Roswell incident that were provided to him by his father who held a top-secret clearance in the late 1950s. Anthony said his father revealed the rapid transition in the U.S. from transistor-based technology to silicon chips was the result of extraterrestrial technology recovered from Roswell. He expressed his belief in a government cover-up of Roswell and the extraterrestrial influences on our technological progress.


Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program. Joe from Pennsylvania shared his experiences at Gettysburg, which included a stay at the haunted Farnsworth Inn. While on a ghost tour, Joe recalled feeling a sudden wave of dizziness in the basement, which was once used as a makeshift morgue. At the same time, the ghost-hunting equipment being used by the group went off and pointed towards him, Joe revealed.

Jeff in Lincoln, Nebraska, recounted a 2009 case where James Walbert claimed his business associate used electromagnetic radiation to attack him. Jeff connected this to his belief that a major cell phone company is involved in targeting individuals with directed energy weapons. He revealed his own experiences of numerous attempted murders and attacks that left him with severe injuries. Jeff further claimed that cell towers are used to direct these attacks and mentioned an incident where a scalar microwave beam caused a significant leg injury.

George from Portland, Oregon, argued that life moves from complex to simple, contrary to the scientific view that it moves from simple to complex. He asserted that a complex God is necessary to create complex humans who can in turn reproduce. He believes this points to a divine creator, as for him evolution does not sufficiently explain human creation.

News segment guests: Heidi Hollis / Kevin Randle

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