Astrological Houses / Open Lines

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Astrological Houses / Open Lines

About the show

In the first half, author, social worker, and astrologer Carmen Turner-Schott discussed the influence of astrological houses and lunar nodes on our personalities. She described the eighth and twelfth houses as being the most spiritual. According to her, individuals with birth charts anchored in these houses often possess "intuitive and psychic abilities" and frequently report mystical experiences. She referred to eighth-house individuals as "phoenixes," highlighting their resilience and healing abilities stemming from early life losses. In contrast, those in the twelfth house resemble "fallen angels," often feeling out of place and spiritually different from their families, expressing a sense of being "from another world." Turner-Schott recounted her own spiritual awakening at age 16 when one night she witnessed a "glowing ball of light" that ignited her fascination with astrology.

She highlighted the importance of lunar nodes in understanding one's direction in life. "The north node is your soul's mission in this lifetime," Turner-Schott explained. "It represents what you are here to learn." On the other hand, the south node reveals the important lessons we've already received. She also shared a reading she did for a young boy at the request of his family. The child was drawing strange images and telling his parents of a man standing at the foot of his bed. Turner-Schott soon discovered he was an eighth-house person. "He had spiritual gifts that he was born with, but no one was understanding him, and he had a fascination with death and the soul and the afterlife," she recalled. After further investigating the boy's birth chart, she told his family that he was seeing the ghost of his departed grandfather.


The third hour featured Open Lines, where listeners called in to talk about various topics. Natalia from Austin, Texas praised the program for its insightful discussion on astrology, referencing Carl Jung's use of astrology in psychoanalysis, and expressed gratitude for the show's overall magic and the courteous hosts. John from Wisconsin praised the familial bond among regular callers and encouraged them to attend George Noory's upcoming road shows in 2025.

Cornelius from Alexandria, Louisiana shared his opinion that Coast to Coast is one of the only broadcast programs telling the truth. He also expressed his desire to connect with other listeners. Joe from Monterey, California critiqued the portrayal of Pleiadians as negative entities and discussed the spiritual practice of non-interference. He spoke about his own journey into the paranormal after witnessing his sisters' seances, and recalled an intriguing incident from his Navy days involving unexplained lights.

Brian in Indiana discussed the impact of social media on news perception. He expressed concern about a potential nuclear threat from Iran, reflecting on historical tensions in the Middle East. Cameron from Charlotte, North Carolina contemplated the limitations of human free will within the context of advancing AI technology. John from Michigan shared his experiences with UFO sightings and out-of-body experiences.

The last hour kicked off with Joshua P. Warren from the podcast Strange Things, featured on the Paranormal Podcast Network. He reflected on the podcast's evolution from a mere experiment to a beloved platform for exploring topics like ghosts, UFOs, and even pop-culture phenomena. The final half hour of the show took listeners back to 12/5/2016, when Elizabeth Greenwood talked about how and why people fake their own deaths.

News segment guests: Douglas Laux, Sandra Champlain


Emerging Artists

The first Sunday of every month, George Noory presents emerging artists for some of our bumper music selections. Tonight we heard from Jerry Depinto, Jon Alexi, George Nevada Thomas, Stone Hart, Synthoid Sounds, Vira Burmenko, and the Middlefingers Band. For more info on how to submit your own original music, visit this page.

Bumper Music

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