Lunar Anomalies / Paranormal Journey

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Lunar Anomalies / Paranormal Journey

About the show

Richard C. Hoagland is the principal investigator and founder of the Enterprise Mission, as well as the voice of The Other Side of Midnight. In the first half, he discussed lunar anomalies and evidence of ancient ruins on the Moon. NASA recently announced the cancellation of the VIPER mission to the south pole of the Moon to look for frozen water, and he noted that if VIPER doesn't go, this will stall the Artemis Moon exploration program, and the establishment of a lunar base. Hoagland believes the reason behind the stall is a cover-up by NASA, who doesn't want to reveal the stunning ancient ruins-- "glistening glass geometry, structures, houses, cities, factories, whatever you want, hanging in the skies over the moon." NASA has no idea how to inform the population about these finds, he added.

He contends that fresh evidence for an ancient glass dome and other artificial structures was revealed by photos sent back by the Chinese lunar landers (view related images) He also pointed to an Indian lunar satellite image that according to Hoagland reveals a startling "Stonehenge-like" ring of surface "stones" -- arranged in a circular geometry that aligns with key stellar constellations. He urged listeners to pressure political leaders, especially Vice President Kamala Harris, to demand transparency from NASA, noting that she is close to Sen. Mark Kelly, a former astronaut, and that her presidential campaign is focused on the future. He expressed hope that we have a window of opportunity with the upcoming election to bring these issues to the forefront and mobilize support for space exploration initiatives and openness.


Brent Thomas is the creator and host of Paranormal Portal, a podcast and live stream on YouTube and Rumble. In the latter half, he shared his journey into the world of UFOs and supernatural phenomena. "I love the idea that the world still has discovery and mystery...and demonstrates the fluid nature of reality," he commented. Thomas recounted a life-changing UFO sighting 12 years ago while staying in a remote mountain house. Equipped with night vision binoculars, he spotted a silently hovering UFO with flashing rectangular lights about 30 feet above the treetops that seemed to have the ability to cloak itself or instantly disappear. "I moved from believer to knower, because I was witnessing it. It was right there, right in front of me," he marveled.

Reflecting on his profound experiences with the paranormal, he particularly focused on the passing of his father, with whom he'd had a bit of a rift. He described a vivid dream where he embraced his dad and felt an overwhelming sense of healing—"It was so real... I finally had that moment." After the dream, unusual occurrences began at his mother's home, such as the TV turning on by itself, which led to a remarkable incident where his father's smart TV unexpectedly played a video from Thomas' YouTube channel with the specific episode that discussed their experiences at the house. He also expounded on the nature of ghosts, proposing that phenomena may stem from varied sources, including "Shadow People" and possibly extraterrestrial encounters. Encounter situations with alien presences and spirits can be very similar, he observed.

News segment guests: John M. Curtis, Catherine Austin Fitts

Bumper Music

Last Night

Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
Remote Viewing & OBEs / Kung Fu & Martial Arts
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