Hemp Farming / Chemtrails

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Hemp Farming / Chemtrails

About the show

In the first half, a pioneer voice in cannabis/hemp and regenerative farming Doug Fine discussed the multifaceted benefits of hemp, emphasizing its historical significance and potential for modern agriculture. He praised the nutritional advantages of hemp, stating it has an ideal balance of omega fatty acids, positioning it as a superfood amid rising health concerns like obesity and diabetes. Fine advocated for easing regulations on hemp cultivation, especially for independent farmers, suggesting that if we get hemp into increased acreage, "that's going to mean economic recovery for family farms." Hemp seeds can sell for $1 a pound, making a 1,000-acre crop worth a million dollars, which is significantly more than corn, he noted.

Despite being legal in all 50 states, cultivating hemp requires a permit and government inspection, and Fine was critical of this bureaucratic process. "We've got to make it easier, rather than harder, for farmers to grow hemp," he added. Hemp has a great deal of versatility in its usage, he pointed out. The draft of the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp and the crop can be transformed into eco-friendly products, including clothing and paper. Plus, hemp has a remarkable quality as a "phyto-remediator" capable of cleaning contaminated soil, illustrating its potential role in sustainable agriculture. Additionally, he announced his upcoming documentary, "American Hemp Farmer," which recently won an award at the Santa Fe Film Festival.


In the latter half, C2C's investigative reporter Cheryll Jones shared her interview with author & researcher Peter Kirby on the controversial topic of chemtrails. He suggested that chemtrails are part of a larger scheme of geoengineering and weather modification. Kirby contended that the manipulation of the atmosphere can be traced back decades, with roots in military applications, such as weather modification during the Vietnam War. He dubbed the phenomenon "the new Manhattan Project," emphasizing its historical connections to early scientific endeavors that evolved into contemporary geoengineering efforts. "What we're really talking about here is geophysical warfare," he told Cheryll, adding that there could be financial motives linked to the practice, like the weather derivatives markets.

He reported on the recent legislative response in the state of Tennessee aimed at curbing aerosol spraying and weather modification. "Once you realize that these things are going on, you immediately know that it's unacceptable," he commented. Kirby further argued that geoengineering is part of a broader "globalist agenda" aimed at controlling human activity and weather patterns, describing it as "an agenda of control." There is evidence, he continued, that chemtrails contain toxic substances like coal fly ash that are harmful to humans and ecosystems. While mainstream narratives have consistently dismissed chemtrails as conspiracy theory, he believes public awareness is shifting.

News segment guests: Jeff Nelken, Christian Wilde

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