Cyber Threats / Paranormal Investigations

Hosted byConnie Willis

Cyber Threats / Paranormal Investigations

About the show

First Half: Malik has extensive training and experience in military intelligence, cyber threat intelligence, open source intelligence, computer forensics, threat & vulnerability investigations, and information security. He joins Connie Willis (info) for a clandestine/anonymous interview, discussing practical ways to protect ourselves and our families from cyber threats while also considering physical security threats.

Second Half: Patty Valdez has been investigating the paranormal since 1992 and is the founder of South Sound Paranormal Research in Washington State. She'll speak about her years of researching the strange and her group's capture of an unexplainable light anomaly.

6-10pm PT: Art Bell - Somewhere in Time returns to 9/18/97 for an interview with Ed Dames on remote viewing.

Last Night

Global UAP Secrets / Remote Viewing & UFO Bases
Global UAP Secrets / Remote Viewing & UFO Bases
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