Astrology & Solar Eclipse / UFOs Over Sedona

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Astrology & Solar Eclipse / UFOs Over Sedona

About the show

First Half: Mark Lerner is the author of Welcome to Planet Earth, which reached thousands of astrological students and became well-respected as one of the top periodicals concerning Mundane Astrology. He'll discuss the solar eclipse coming up on October 2 and several new & full moons happening from this October to the USA inauguration day on January 20, 2025.

Second Half: Melinda Leslie has been a professional psychic, medium, and teacher of psychic development and paranormal abilities for 45 years and is an investigator in the field of ufology with 35 years of experience. She'll address the recent increase in UFO sightings over the Sedona skies and their connection to Sedona's purported underground military base.

Last Night

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