Natural Healing / Celestial Events

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Natural Healing / Celestial Events

About the show

First Half: Dr. Joel Wallach will discuss the human body and its ability to achieve natural healing without using modern medicine. Dr. Wallach will show the benefits of natural remedies that aid in the body's recovery from the chronic conditions that plague Americans today.

Second Half: Bob Berman, one of America's top astronomy writers, will discuss a wide array of powerful celestial events, from colliding galaxies to solar storms as well as gamma-ray bursts and space-and-time-warping upheavals. He will also get into the fragility of life on Earth and the countless ways it is vulnerable to hazards, both natural and manufactured.

Last Night

Future of Biotech / Intelligent Design
Future of Biotech / Intelligent Design
Molecular biologist Dr. Tim Harris shared insights into the evolution and future of biotechnology. Followed by Dr. Geoffrey Simmons on his transformative journey from Darwinian supporter to belief in intelligent design.


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