Demystifying Ghosts / Open Lines

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Demystifying Ghosts / Open Lines

About the show

Born into a family of spiritualists, Theresa Cheung has a degree in Theology and English from Cambridge and has written numerous books about the paranormal. She will discuss the four categories of ghosts: residual, poltergeist, inhuman, and intelligent, and she will also cover the recent scientific research that demystifies our fascination with ghosts. Followed by Open Lines in the latter half.

Last Night

Fearless Guidance / Black Magic
Fearless Guidance / Black Magic
Zen Cryar DeBrucke shared her insights into the Internal Guidance System (IGS) that resides within every individual. Followed by journalist Cheryll Jones's interview with shaman Ani Avedissian on the topic of black magic.


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