Jack the Ripper & Medical Examiners / Mysterious Burial Mounds

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Jack the Ripper & Medical Examiners / Mysterious Burial Mounds

About the show

First Half: In 1990, Patricia Cornwell sold her first novel, Postmortem, while working at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Richmond, Virginia, which went on to win four prestigious literary awards. She'll discuss her many interests including the work of medical examiners, Jack the Ripper, her continuing exploration of the latest space-age technologies and threats relevant to contemporary life, the morgue, artificial intelligence, as well as visits to Interpol, the Pentagon, the US Secret Service, and NASA.

Second Half: Independent researcher Fritz Zimmerman spent 12 years in the field investigating 700 mound and earthwork sites in the Ohio Valley. He'll share his research into these burial mounds and earthwork sites, which he says are home to Shadow People, cryptids, fairies, ancient dwarf races, giants, UFOs, and many paranormal tales.

Last Night

Strange & Spooky Stories / Leonard Nimoy's Legacy
Strange & Spooky Stories / Leonard Nimoy's Legacy
Author and podcaster Mike Browne discussed his work compiling stories of the strange, spooky, and supernatural. Followed by director Adam Nimoy on his complex relationship with his father, the late Leonard Nimoy, best known for his iconic role Spock in "Star Trek."


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