Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers

Hosted byGeorge Knapp

Imperiled Animals / Navajo Rangers

About the show

Second Half: Hurricanes, droughts and fires, and melting permafrost at the poles are causing widespread devastation to wildlife. Aysha Akhtar, a Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics and a double-board certified neurologist and preventive medicine specialist, joins George Knapp for a wide-ranging discussion about what is happening to animal species around the world and how we can save some of the most imperiled species.

Second Half: As a Native American with parents of both Navajo and Cherokee descent, Stanley Milford Jr. grew up in a world where the supernatural was both expected and taboo. He'll discuss his joining the fabled Navajo Rangers - a law enforcement branch of the Navajo Nation who are equal parts police officers, archeological conservationists, and historians, and how the paranormal became part of his job.

Last Night

Close Encounters / Mount Shasta Mysteries
Close Encounters / Mount Shasta Mysteries
Author Whitley Strieber spoke about his experiences with the non-human entities he calls the "Visitors." Followed by hypnotherapist Dr. Bruce Goldberg on the paranormal lore of Mount Shasta.


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