Mental Time Travel / The Thinning Veil

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Mental Time Travel / The Thinning Veil

About the show

First Half: Magna cum laude graduate of Princeton University and published member of the Law Review and honors graduate of Pace University Law School, Nancy du Tertre, will delve into the power of mind over matter, travel to past, future, distant locations, communication without words, and contact with nonphysical spirit entities.

Second Half: Patti Negri, psychic medium and "Good Witch," will discuss the thin veil between worlds, why it’s so good for spirit communication, and how to speak to the dead. She'll share her spooky seance experiences and her most magical and empowering mediumship experiences.

Last Night

Close Encounters / Mount Shasta Mysteries
Close Encounters / Mount Shasta Mysteries
Author Whitley Strieber spoke about his experiences with the non-human entities he calls the "Visitors." Followed by hypnotherapist Dr. Bruce Goldberg on the paranormal lore of Mount Shasta.


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