Alien Interactions / Spirit Communication & Witchcraft

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Alien Interactions / Spirit Communication & Witchcraft

About the show

In the first half, Nancy du Tertre, known as the "Skeptical Psychic," shared her insights on a range of topics concerning the alien presence, and whether it threatens humanity. She highlighted unusual weather patterns, including hurricanes and significant flooding across multiple countries, suggesting, "Maybe humans, maybe aliens, are tinkering with some weaponized weather systems for some hidden agenda." She touched on upcoming congressional hearings on UAPs and the involvement of new whistleblowers, noting that she believes these phenomena are indeed connected to extraterrestrial life. "I've seen tons of different types" of craft and orbs, "so I know that they're out there," she remarked.

She recounted a series of mysterious phone call interruptions that both she and her daughter experienced, where they heard an unknown voice speaking a language they couldn't understand, which led her to speculate they could have been alien communications. Du Tertre outlined three critical questions when considering alien existence: their physical composition, whether they are alive, and the definition of "alien," and pointed out they may take different forms, including biological, cyborgs, AI robots, human time travelers, orbs of light, and more.

While some view aliens as a potential threat, she noted that experiences vary widely. "A lot of contactees are incredibly positive about their experience," she stated, contrasting with military and other accounts that sometimes involve danger, trauma, and injuries. She concluded, "If the military doesn't get their act together quickly to start releasing actual, real information...I think it's really an incredible disservice to humanity."


In the latter half, Patti Negri, psychic medium and "Good Witch," discussed spirit communication, the significance of Halloween, and witchcraft rituals and spells. Halloween is truly the time when the veil between our world and the other worlds is thinnest, she explained, emphasizing its roots in the pagan festival Samhain, which honors ancestors and the deceased. Signs of spirit activity may be on the rise during this time, she noted: "Look for oddities," like flickering lights, strange sounds, or even changes in emotions, as ghosts represent a form of energy. She recounted a personal experience where she received a mysterious phone call from a deceased friend, illustrating how spirits can interact through technology.

Your intent is important in attracting positive spirits, Negri continued, suggesting simple rituals, like lighting a candle and sharing stories to invite positive energies. Addressing the importance of protection against negative energies, she recommended a "mirrored bubble" technique to reflect harmful intentions back to their source. A ritual is about "creating sacred space," she shared, adding that rituals can range from daily practices like meditation to more elaborate ceremonies involving spirits, deities, or elements. She believes practitioners must adhere to a strong moral code, warning, "There's going to be karma attached" to negative actions. During the last hour, she offered readings to callers.

News segment guests: Douglas Mulhall, Kevin Randle

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