'Space People' Encounters

Hosted byConnie Willis

'Space People' Encounters

About the show

Author of "The Plejaren Diaries," Zaysan "Z" Saldausky (William Saldausky), best known as "Z," joined guest host Connie Willis (info) for the entire 4-hour program to discuss his interactions and deepening relationship with a group of aliens. Saldausky's encounters with a mysterious extraterrestrial group began in the swamps of Florida. He recounted helping a stranded alien woman, which led to an ongoing relationship with what he described as a space-based family. These beings, resembling humans but with distinct features like large eyes, introduced him to a profound sense of trust and love, Saldausky disclosed. He said his connection with these beings has influenced his worldview and inspired him to document his experiences in a series of books.

Saldausky revealed how their advanced society values curiosity and love, driving them to explore everything from insect life to the fabric of space. One notable example is their creation of "gray balls," a nutrient-dense food resembling small marbles that can taste and feel like any desired dish, from steak to lobster, he reported. These are grown in highly advanced agricultural systems using living soils combined from other planets. Their space travel technology is equally fascinating, allowing instantaneous jumps across thousands of light-years by matching the ship's frequency to its destination, he added.

Saldausky also shared profound insights into his space-based family's view of existence, emphasizing the role of love and consciousness. He explained their belief in quantum entanglement as the essence of life and the interconnectedness of all beings. According to this perspective, time is an illusion, and all lives—past, present, and future—occur simultaneously as projections within a larger consciousness. Saldausky illustrated this concept with a metaphor of each life as a television show viewed on different screens in a timeless state of being. These experiences have reshaped his understanding of reality and humanity's potential, encouraging an embrace of unconditional love and the rejection of deception to unlock deeper capabilities within ourselves.

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