Natural Remedies / Primatology & Bigfoot

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Natural Remedies / Primatology & Bigfoot

About the show

In the first half, pharmacist Ben Fuchs spoke about natural health remedies and the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that our bodies need to maintain good health. 75% of Americans are overweight or obese, and there's been a significant rise in young adult cancers and infertility rates, he reported. Fuchs has concluded that the root cause of these issues lies in our dietary habits and nutrient deficiencies, stating, "We're not sick... we're starving. We're missing the basic nutrients that run our bodies."

He advocated for simple lifestyle modifications, including calorie reduction and nutritional supplementation, as essential steps toward improving health. "The single most important thing we could do to increase our longevity and improve our quality of life... is to eat less food," he asserted, pointing out that the average American consumes three to four times the necessary calories.

On the issue of toe fungus, he stressed the importance of restoring gut health to combat such infections, advocating for probiotics to maintain a healthy microbiome. Listeners also raised concerns about various health issues, including tinnitus and allergies. Fuchs explained that tinnitus often stems from blood sugar imbalances and digestive health problems. He linked allergies to "leaky gut" syndrome, where toxins enter the bloodstream, triggering immune responses. He urged listeners to keep a food diary to identify triggers and consider supplements to heal the gut lining.


In the latter half, Ph.D., primatologist, and author Mireya Mayor discussed her latest research in the field of primatology and updated us on her work as the star of the Travel Channel hit series "Expedition Bigfoot." She shared thrilling and sometimes frightening experiences from her expeditions, including being charged by silverback gorillas and surviving a plane crash in Congo. On the nature of primates, Mayor remarked, "Gorillas, like humans, are very curious... they have very distinctive personalities." She contrasted their generally gentle behavior with the more aggressive nature of chimpanzees, which can make her uneasy at times.

Mayor recounted eerie experiences during her Bigfoot expeditions, including encountering inexplicable shadow figures and thermal images that when she shone her flashlight in the area, there was nothing there. "I've had situations that, to this day, keep me up at night," she admitted. Mayor emphasized the credibility of eyewitness accounts of Bigfoot, noting that many witnesses, including police officers and military personnel, often feel shame in sharing their experiences due to societal stigma.

Regarding the physical evidence of Bigfoot, she mentioned unique footprints and curious nests that resemble those made by gorillas. Nests she found in Northern California seemed to be woven together in a way that would be difficult for creatures without opposable thumbs. When asked about the potential paranormal aspects of Bigfoot, she acknowledged the intriguing claims of cloaking abilities and nocturnal traits, though her pursuits are centered around the idea that it is a flesh and blood creature.

News segment guests: John M. Curtis, Charles Coppes

Bumper Music

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