Secret History of the CIA / Walk-ins, Hybrids, & Starseeds

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Secret History of the CIA / Walk-ins, Hybrids, & Starseeds

About the show

Attorney and science teacher Kent Heckenlively discussed his collaboration with former CIA officer Kevin Shipp on a new book exploring the complexities of the CIA and its historical context. His work with Shipp led him to reflect on the CIA's origins and ties to elite institutions. "What I'm always interested in is... what's the system that keeps it going?" he stated, pointing to the CIA's roots in the Ivy League and its connections to Wall Street. He delved into the CIA's controversial history, including Project Mockingbird, where the agency allegedly paid journalists to influence media narratives. Heckenlively highlighted a poignant quote from Harry Truman, who expressed concern about the CIA's departure from its original intelligence-gathering role toward a policy-making arm of the government.

He also touched on Operation Phoenix, a CIA program during the Vietnam War responsible for thousands of targeted assassinations, underscoring the dark legacy of covert operations. The core thesis of their book, titled Twilight of the Shadow Government, argues for the power of transparency in dismantling "deep state" control. He suggested a separation of the CIA's operational and intelligence-gathering functions. Moving the operations directorate to the Pentagon would allow the CIA to concentrate solely on intelligence. "It's important that we have robust intelligence capabilities," he asserted while cautioning that some upper management within the CIA may not support democratic values.


In the latter half, hypnotherapist and regression therapist Barbara Lamb, along with author Sheila Seppi, discussed cases of Walk-ins, Starseeds, and hybrids. According to Lamb, a walk-in occurs when a soul from a different dimension enters a human body whose original soul no longer wishes to remain. "The incoming soul lives in that body as if that person," she added, noting that while the physical appearance remains unchanged, the personality and interests may shift dramatically. This can lead to significant changes in family dynamics, often benefiting children who find the new parent more energetic and engaged, Lamb said.

Seppi, a self-identified walk-in, shared her extraordinary experience of entering the body of a 38-year-old mother who was struggling with severe health issues. "When I entered the body, there was an agreement that I would come into the body and take over," she said of the collaborative nature of the transition. Speaking of walk-ins, she clarified that such transitions occur with the original soul's consent, contrasting it with possession. Seppi also touched on her past lives in different forms, including as "Arcturian, Andromedan, and angelic," and her mission to assist others in their spiritual awakening. "As a way-shower, I help pave the way for humanity to wake up," she said, emphasizing her role in the collective consciousness.

"Many of these beings do come here to help humanity recover from the damage we've done to our planet," Lamb explained. While Starseeds appear just as human as the rest of us, "they bring with them a lot of knowledge...and understanding about some of the extraterrestrial species that they originally came from," she detailed. Lamb also differentiated two different types of alien hybrids-- those who live on spaceships and those born on Earth. "The hybrids I know and have worked closely with... come from two, three, or even six different extraterrestrial species," she said, revealing the complex genetic makeup of these beings.

News segment guests: Lauren Weinstein, Steve Kates

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