Legacy of Ed & Lorraine Warren / Animals & Souls

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Legacy of Ed & Lorraine Warren / Animals & Souls

About the show

Tony Spera is a paranormal researcher and the son-in-law of the late Ed and Lorraine Warren, considered by many to be America's preeminent experts on spirits and demonology. In the first half, he discussed the Warrens' life and legacy and how he is still actively investigating demonic activity. Spera recalled how the Warrens investigated the haunting at the Amityville Horror house and noted that Ronald DeFeo Jr., the son who killed everybody in the house, was reportedly into demonology and Satanism. Among the other well-known incidents the Warrens delved into was the Smurl haunting in West Pittson, PA where Jack Smurl was said to be attacked by a succubus, the 'Conjuring' case in Rhode Island with the Perron family, and the Enfield poltergeist case, where a voice purportedly came through a teenage girl without the use of her vocal cords.

Ed Warren grew up in a haunted house in Bridgeport, Connecticut, Spera recounted, and initially, he used his background as an artist to make sketches of haunted homes that he read about in FATE magazine. George and Lorraine founded the New England Society for Psychic Research in 1952 to organize and study paranormal cases, and later an occult museum where the notorious, allegedly possessed Annabelle doll was housed. He revealed that the Warrens were believers in UFOs and extraterrestrials, and were acquainted with Betty & Barney Hill, the famed early abductees from Exeter, NH. Spera also announced the Warren's Seekers of the Supernatural Paracon, which will be held in the haunted city of Gettysburg, PA, this September and will feature a variety of guests from the paranormal field.


Intuitive healer and medium Susan Allen began studying mediumship and mysticism in her late teens. In the latter half, she talked about her communications, particularly with animals, at their soul level. On the issue of why some pets run away, she suggested that it's often the soul of the animal's destiny to be with a new home, and yet this is hard for the original owners to comprehend. We have a deep connection with our animals, she said, and for each one, there may be a unique purpose or reason why they're in our lives. For example, "I've had clients say, 'Oh yeah, my dog got me through medical school.'"

She recalled how she gave a reading to a client who wondered how she would know if she was getting a reincarnated version of her beloved deceased dog, a mini Schnauzer, and Allen said it came to her that there would be an "electrical occurrence" that would signal this. Sure enough, later, when the client was at a breeder's, the power suddenly got knocked out, and after it came back up, she was looking at a puppy that matched the markings that Allen had predicted. The grief of losing a pet can be comparable to the loss of a child, she noted. Allen also talked about her ability to receive messages from deceased humans, and during the last hour she gave readings for callers about their lost loved ones-- human and animal.

News segment guests: Christian Wilde, Jeff Nelken

Bumper Music

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